The Unknown: My Islamic Court Date and No Way Out

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The Glazov Gang is proud and excited to run the third episode of its new feature: The Unknown. The producer of the Gang, Anni Cyrus, has now entered the stage.

Below is the new edition, My Islamic Court Date and No Way Out, in which Anni shares her horrific ordeal of trying to escape an abusive forced marriage  in the Islamic Republic.

And make sure to watch below the first episode, The Day I Was Called a Woman by Islam, that launched this BLOCKBUSTER series.  (The second edition, My Nightmare as an 11-Year-Old Girl in an Iranian Prison, can be seen HERE.)

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3 thoughts on “The Unknown: My Islamic Court Date and No Way Out”

  1. Anni – you have a powerful story. Unfortunately, it is one I have heard from others, as well. My primary questions to you are: (1) how did you get out of Iran, and (2) why do I see so many women support Islam when they are treated the way that they are? There are many Iranian women who not only endure the oppressive environment they are in, but actively support their husbands and Islam. I don’t understand why that is. Have you adopted a different religion today? Have you considered contacting the friends you may still have in Iran, tell them of your experience in the US, and start a movement to help them follow you to freedom? I have read that Christianity is thriving to some extent underground in Iran, however, I suspect it is a very dangerous movement to join. I would also like to hear your interpretation of the apparent invasion of Europe ongoing by Muslim immigrants.

  2. Anni, your ability to boil down a far-reaching abuse of Iranian women and present your experience with it, while holding back your related emotions, deserves much respect. I have no doubt that the beatings from your husband can make a much larger story than you have given and so imagine the judge’s decision must have tempted you to scream and cry. Although I made a mistake to elope at age 19 with a 24-year-old army veteran, and then experienced violence from him routinely while living with him, I freely gained a divorce through the mail only 11 months later. In comparison to the friends I knew through school, my life had become awful; I had no idea about a place called Iran and the Sharia law that identifies Iranian women as being much less of a person than the men they are forced to marry. I’m very glad for you to be in the life you have now and admire your effort to get more people informed about the life you managed to leave behind. Some USA citizens hold on to the awareness that their ancestors were enslaved, tortured and killed during an era when the pre-civil war government didn’t have laws to protect them. It’s not my place to judge how long is healthy and fair to keep that awareness “alive” but when I hear of it in the future I will think of your ancestors, friends and other women who have been, or currently are, treated as things to be acquired and abused and possibly killed by men who are educated to regard females as potential property. I hope you make sure to have some fun in between making episodes of “The Unknown.”

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