Jamie Glazov Productions


Glazov Moment: No Honor Killings in America?

The Left’s callous lies – and heart of darkness.

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This new Glazov Gang episode features the Jamie Glazov Moment with Jamie Glazov.

Jamie asks: No Honor Killings in America? and then unveils the Left’s callous lies – and heart of darkness.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch the whole scene of where the leftist lawyer “Steve” denied the existence of honor killings in America and attacked Anni at her recent talk in Omaha, Nebraska. Steve tried to exonerate Islam and accused Anni of preaching “hate”. Then Anni wiped the floor with him:

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19 Responses

  1. I have heard of three honor killings of daughters here in the US. This Steve is an extremely ignorant person. Leftists don’t care about knowledge, just slogans and silencing non-communists. Apparently Steve grew up in a closet, totally unaware of life around them. Wonder if he thinks the earth is flat, and the sun sets in a muddy pool every day? These men who would kill their own wives and daughters are the real satanists.

  2. This idiot sounds like he is drunk. Of course, there have been “Honor Killings” in the states. Each time she brings up a point, he says he never heard it and continues to degrade her issues and her very person. He has no obvious knowledge of Islam and it’s strict laws nor does he read enough to be aware of the facts on the table about what is going on in our Country concerning the hate from this book of Islam.

  3. Nine years ago there was a Muslim murder here in western NY that was committed by a man that ran Bridges TV, a cable channel touting Islamic peace and tolerance. This occurred in February, the same day or the day after there was a plane crash in Clarence, NY involving a commuter plane. The accident claimed about 50 lives, including one on the ground.
    The perpetrator beheaded his wife inside the TV studio in Orchard Park, NY. She had separated from him because of abuse and was considering divorce. FOX News was the only station reporting this at the time. There was media here from all over the country at the time because of the plane crash. It took 2 or 3 weeks before ABC reported one little blurb about the event.

      1. That Bridges TV station was up and running for a few years. The way your video describes it, it comes across to me as leading the listener to think that it was just a goal or a fledgling start up . It was faltering at the time, I think it had totally collapsed several months later.
        IF people honestly have not heard of any “honor killings”, it is because the corporate empire (6 mega-companies control 90% of ALL types of communication) are deliberately suppressing it.
        The hypocrisy in the “media” is appalling and that was 9 years ago. It has only become worse. A real journalist (retired) that comments over at http://www.theconservativetreehouse.com refuses to dignify their outright propaganda by calling it “news” and I am going to do the same.
        The local media stations in the Buffalo (NY) area that covered it are http://www.wgrz.com ; http://www.wkbw.com and http://www.wivb.com I do not know if they have anything archived on their websites. Time-Warner cable also had an outstanding local “news” division going. The local (conservative) news radio station is http://www.wben.com

        Imagine if the roles were reversed and it was someone that identified as a “Christian”, neo-Nazi or white supremacist that carried out some type of atrocity. We would still be hearing about it today.

  4. What kind of demented people kill their own family for honor? What honor; in hell? Only a sick religion could even envision such an atrocity. Keep up the good work Jamie and Anni.

    1. What kind of demented people kill their own family for honor?

      Oh, that’s easy (as I suspect you know). They are called Moslems, and root of Islamic honor killing lies in the Koran, I one it’s wacko stories about Mohammad and Moses. Reliance of the Traveler merely codifies it.

      1. You might also recall that Lt Calley was cashiered in disgrace and served three years of house arrest before a judge tossed the charges on some technical grounds. For you to represent My Lai as representative of the US military is reprehensible, you stupid, disingenuous ass.

  5. The police in Europe increasingly do not get involved when Muslims break the law ie bigamy, fgm, grooming of young white female children, Sharia patrols beating up native Europeans, no-go zones, mass car burnings, mass rapes of women, hate speech and racism against native Europeans, ID fraud, carrying deadly weapons in public, covering their faces in public. All these are illegal for native Europeans but not apparently for Muslims – so it is not just the police in Sharia run countries who ignore these crimes – unless of course we accept that Europe is now Sharia controlled

  6. This is Jamie Glazov at his finest: he gave a moving and eloquent tribute to young girls and women whose lives were sniffed out out by the hatred that inheres in Islam, and combined with a withering indictment of Steve the Moron and his leftist accompanists in savagery. I thank Jamie and Anni for their efforts and need to figure out a way to increase my party donations to this site.

    I cringed, but did not speak out in my prior bitter note about Steve the Moron in response to Anni’s video on the subject. Jamie’s takedown of Steve, with his self-willed ignorance about honor killings in America was exceptionally well framed.

    1. Sorry for the typos- I keep forgetting one cannot edit comments here.

      sniffed out -> snuffed out
      and combined with -> and combined it with
      party donations. -> paltry donations

  7. I found one discordant note in Jamie’s presentation, one which I am certain he will not like to see here (Jamie, please understand I am rather sensitive to having my comments censored. This is not a pleasant moment for me either.)

    Jamie speaks well of Robert Spencer’s jihadwatch site, and I cannot deny Robert’s contribution to the counter-jihad movement. I do question his motives, and even though I understand he risks his life to say what he does, and I consider him a sleaze bag. Here is why.

    A couple of years ago, he wrote a highly critical post of a certain Melkite leader (Robert is, I believe, a Melkite). I responded with a comment that largely quoted a passage from Jean-Pierre Peroncel-Hugoz’s excellent “The Raft of Muhammad” (Jamie, I will lend it to you if you would like to read it) in which the author addressed the Copt’s experience in Egypt and the Copt history of placating their Moslem masters. Robert’s petty, indignant response was to remove my comment and ban me from the site (a workaround was not difficult).

    Fast forward a couple of years, as I recall, and the subject of censorship came up on jihadwatch.org. I relayed my experience of two years earlier. The local goon squad on jihadwatch heaped derision on me and called me a liar, and, of course, idiot.

    Robert chimed in, denying what I had said (calling it was “counterfactual”, as I recall). So I sent him his email to me, in which he informed me of the ban (I believe he lied at the time when he said he had already sent me such an email), but whatever the case, I sent him the proof of his action to ban me and his return of a small donation I had recently made to his site- but not earlier donations. He wrote back saying he had forgotten the incident. Instead of doing the right thing, which would have been to have acknowledged the incident publicly, thereby restoring my credibility, and stating he had forgotten about it, Robert decided to erase a minor controversy from his site.

    So Robert’s response to being proven wrong, by his own private email to me, was to allow the impression to stand that I had lied in claiming he had banned me. He erased the history from his site, along, I think, with the scurrilous comments about me. When he gets the bully pulpit, he is very much of the mold of Facebook and Twitter.

    I consider Robert Spencer to be a petty prima donna and a dishonorable man unsuited to a leadership role in the counter-jihad movement. It saddens me to say this about a man I once respected.

  8. I face the same crap all over the internet which is why I don’t bother anymore.

    The fact of the matter is that Robert Spencer’s a white supremacist. His Anti-Jihad jabs are for promoting his own Fascist agenda against all Non-Whites. Don’t believe me? Research it yourself online. Frankly I don’t care what you think.

    Most of these Anti-Islam sites are full of lies or half-truths anyway. Oh, I hate Islam as much as the next Atheist, but I deal with facts not hearsay.

    1. Moron, Richard Spencer is the white supremacist, not Robert Spencer. And Liatris Spicata’s story doesn’t ring true.

      1. I agree Robert Spencer is not a white supremicist, and this fraud trying to purloin my name is either an idiot or, well, a fraud.

        What about my story about Robert Spencer does not “ring true”? It is true, and I think you have no reason to doubt my integrity. Maybe you should cast aspersions on people’s character when you no nothing about the person, or the situation he writes about.

        Robert Spencer, while no white supremacist, is, in my opinion, a sleaze bag, and I regret the need to say that.

    2. I agree Robert Spencer is not a white supremicist, and this fraud trying to purloin my name is either an idiot or, well, a fraud.

      What about my story about Robert Spencer does not “ring true”? It is true, and I think you have no reason to doubt my integrity. Maybe you should cast aspersions on people’s character when you no nothing about the person, or the situation he writes about.

      Robert Spencer, while no white supremacist, is, in my opinion, a sleaze bag, and I regret the need to say that.

    3. Kindly tell me where Robert Spencer- not Richard- has made a “white supremacist” statement. I have followed his utterances, and read some of his books, for several years, and seen nothing of that kind.

      Clearly I bear him some animus, and consider him a prima Donna lacking integrity, but I have seen nothing that warrants calling him racist.

      Perhaps you could bestir yourself to distinguish between Robert and Richard Spencer. I know it’s tough, what with their surnames being identical, but I think, if you really make an intellectual effort, you can do it, Jimmy.

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