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This week’s edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Elisha Krauss, a Staff Writer at TruthRevolt.org and Co-Host of The Morning Answer on AM 870.
She discussed The Impact of TruthRevolt.org, the new conservative media watchdog group started by Ben Shapiro with David Horowitz at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. She also shared her own intellectual odyssey, her thoughts on how conservatives can more effectively fight political war, and much, much more:
Don’t miss this week’s other BLOCKBUSTER edition with Catherine Pelonero, an author and playwright who is the author of the new book, Kitty Genovese: A True Account of a Public Murder and Its Private Consequences. She discusses the details of this horrible murder, the bystander inaction that tragically surrounded it, and the controversy that her research and findings have sparked:
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