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This week’s special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Mona Walter, a Christian convert from Islam. She came on the show to discuss her mission of rescuing Muslims from the chains that bind them.
Don’t miss it!
And don’t miss the special edition of The Glazov Gang that was joined by London Imam Anjem Choudary, Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Raymond Ibrahim and American Muslim Activist Isa Hodge.
They came on the show to battle it out over whether Islamic theology inspires Islamic terror.
Don’t miss the fireworks!
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4 Responses
Well done Jamie ! This is what the world needs to hear ! You are a prophet in our time, keep up the great work.
I appreciate that Matt, thank you!
Remember when parents hired programmers to rescue kids from cults?
Mona Walter is a beautiful, kind, brave, and very intelligent woman.