On Saturday evenings, the Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC) comes to 3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica to spread the truth about Islam.
Above is a picture of a 3 second truce during the evening.
Below are some pictures of Jamie Glazov handing out the CJC’s brochures about Islam and also debating the issues.
Below the pictures is a video of Jamie’s activism on 3rd St. and then a Glazov Gang episode with Steve Amundson, president of the CJC, about his group’s efforts.
The CJC ‘s website is CounterJihadCoalition.org and its Facebook page can be found HERE. The group can be contacted at: CounterJihadCoalition@gmail.com and see all of its Tri-Fold Brochures Here.
Join us!
Don’t miss the short video of Jamie’s and the Counter Jihad Coalition‘s battle on 3rd St. Promenade:
And here is a Glazov Gang episode with Steve Amundson, the president of the CJC, who talks about his group’s activities. Don’t miss it!
Also make sure you support the Counter-Jihad tv show, The Glazov Gang, which is a fan-generated program. Please donate to keep it alive, subscribe to its YouTube Channel and LIKE it on Facebook.
For details on advertising on the show or arranging your own appearance on a special segment, email the Glazov Gang at theglazovgang@gmail.com.
One Response
Today educated Muslims want to leave Islam but are afraid that they will be killed by their fellow religionists. By adapting the Sanatana way of life they can overcome their dilemma as by adapting the Sanatana way of life they need not change their name, diet, customs or undergo purification ceremonies; or say prayer in an alien language or visit places of worship; all these which attract the attention of their neighbours. It is the duty of all civilized people of the world to help those Muslims leaving Islam. See http://ilovesanatanadharma.blogspot.in/