[Donate to The Glazov Gang through Pay Pal or its Indiegogo campaign.]
Dear Fans of The Glazov Gang,
We recently started a Indiegogo campaign to raise $10,000 to stay on the air. With the incredible generosity we received from you in the recent past to bring us back to life, we are very optimistic that this goal can be reached.
Supporters can now donate directly to The Glazov Gang‘s PayPal account or also to our NEW Indiegogo campaign.
And during this time and with your ongoing support, we are building our viewer market and advertising vehicles to solidify our base so that The Glazov Gang runs endlessly.
Below, in this new brief episode of The Glazov Gang, the producer of the show, Anni Cyrus, explains why now, more than ever, is the hour to support the show that boldly tells the truth about the Left and Jihad that our media simply won’t dare discuss.
Please make a donation of whatever amount you can so that The Glazov Gang can continue to get the message out that the Left and Muslim Brotherhood front groups are disallowing our media and culture to even whisper or contemplate.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
With gratitude,
Jamie Glazov.
In the meanwhile, please subscribe to The Glazov Gang’s YouTube Channel and encourage all of your friends to do the same. It is very much appreciated! — https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFMPMG/featured
And make sure to watch the special episode of The Glazov Gang that was joined by Anjem Choudary, a London Imam, Robert Spencer, the Director of JihadWatch.org, and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
The three guests came on the show to discuss “Jihad in Chattanooga.”
Don’t miss the fireworks:
Subscribe to Jamie Glazov Productions and LIKE Jamie’s Fan Page on Facebook.