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This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who writes the blog The Point at Frontpagemag.com.
Daniel discussed Russia’s ‘Holy War’ on the Islamic State?, shedding light on whether Putin’s military action in Syria is really about fighting ISIS.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch the new Jamie Glazov Moment in which Jamie discusses What a Woman in Hijab is Really Saying to You, unveiling the terrifying truth about what it really signifies.
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2 Responses
Some of the fellows of the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought (theinteramerican.org) have been following the strategical and political developments in Russia for a quite long time.
In 2011 Mr. Olavo de Carvalho, the President of the Institute, had the unique opportunity of having a written debate with Mr. Aleksandr Dugin, widely recognized as the chief geopolitical strategist and mentor behind of the new Eurasian strategy adopted by President Putin.
The entire debate can be read here: http://theinteramerican.org/th…
The main topic of the debate was “The USA and the New World Order,” and
both debaters had the chance to expressed their views about it during a period of three months. In a recent visit to Brazil, Dugin referred to his discussion with Mr. de Carvalho as one of the hardest he ever had.
(Dugin, a thinker otherwise known by scholars and strategy experts only, has been
finally “discovered” by some big names in the American conservative media — Glenn Beck has been talking about him recently)
For those fellows and researchers involved in the debate and in the study of Russian strategy in some way or another, it became clear that the Russian government was strategically adopting a conservative and “Christian” stance on a number of issues. A prediction that some of us made at the time was that it would not be a surprise if conservative Christian Americans would begin to see Putin as the new light coming
from the East. Finally a Christian leader in an anti-Christian world.
Not long afterwards we noted that many conservative Protestants were already turning their eyes to Russia, praising Putin for his strong Christian stance; and now we observe many traditional Catholics doing the same thing.
During the debate, Fatima and the conversion of Russia were brought up and discussed as well as the role of ththe Russian Orthodox Church in the Eurasian empire strategy — it is interesting to note that Putin “presided over” the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia in 2009, a historical event on many levels of significance. It is also interesting to remember that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is no other than the Tsar.
I hope you can benefit from the reading of the debate. I hope that a closer look at the political strategy that informs Putin and his government may be useful for your understanding of this most dramatic and important development in Russia.
In Brazil, Mr. Olavo de Carvalho has been notorious for his stridency against Russia and a strident support of the revisionism of the Catholic Inquisition, which tortured and murdered Jews and evangelicals. See his stances here: http://bit.ly/1Q3jYqM
He sees a Russian conspiracy in every problem in the universe. His condition is probably incurable.