On April 20, 2016, the renowned author and human rights champion, Vladimir Bukovsky, declared a hunger strike. In his statement on that day, he said:
“For a year now I have been subjected to a persistent and deliberate campaign of slander, vilification and persecution…. I hereby declare a hunger strike until these ridiculous charges are dropped, this Kafkaesque case is closed, and the High Court finally finds time to hear my complaint.”
Seeing that Vladimir has recently endured complicated heart surgery, this hunger strike may end tragically.
Sign the petition to support Vladimir: CLICK HERE.
One Response
When are we going to quit blaming Putin for everything? It is a British court that is hurting Bukovsky! Amazing thing, under Putin, the Russians have become more traditional and nationalist not more Soviet while in the USA under ObamaCare we support the psyche establishment of psyche drugs like the USSR did!