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On this new special edition of The Unknown, Anni Cyrus focuses on The Shady Pieces of the Islamization Puzzle, unveiling Jihad’s calculated — and deadly — weapon of Arabic.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch Anni cast a disturbing light on Islam’s Rape Game in Europe, giving the deniers their first clue:
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One Response
It is my understanding that a lot of Mohammedans perform very lengthy prayers in Arabic but don’t understand Arabic.
“And when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do; for they think they will be heard for much speaking.” — JC, Matthew 6
Uh, also advises/commands to do alms, prayers, and fasting in secret, just as God is in secret. Practice being hidden just like real spirits do. Like “spooks”. Like spies. (Literal meaning of the word “fast” is to keep one’s mouth shut, which is opening and closing when one eats and drinks. Keeping one’s mouth shut and being invisible “seems” to be a common/primary characteristic of real “spooks”.)
When I see an identified and promoted “Holy Man”, I generally run like hell!