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This new special edition of the Glazov Gang was joined by Trevor Loudon, the writer and director of the new documentary, The Enemies Within – an expose on the growing communist and Muslim Brotherhood influence on our government.
[Check out the trailer for The Enemies Within here, and order your copy of the DVD here.]
Mr. Loudon came on the show to discuss What Trump Must Do on Islamic Threat, unveiling the plan for the new president to push back the Jihadist tide.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch the new Jamie Glazov Moment in which Jamie discusses Trump’s First Step vs. Muslim Brotherhood, revealing why CAIR, ISNA and other Brotherhood front groups should be shaking in their boots:
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2 Responses
Great interview! Trevor Loudon nails it…again. Why take in people that believe things that are destructive and subversive to our founding documents and law? And why retain people in and that deliberately and by doctrine (from the Explanatory Memorandum) influence our government to be weak and supine in the face of a totalitarian conquest?
And as for me: Why suck up to nations that want to undermine and ultimately subvert you?
As a close observer of the fanatic Muslims in the USA, …there are a few points I would like to mention about how Muslims operate , and how they thrive.
1. 90% of the Muslim population has no ethical concerns or loyalty to the nation where they migrate and settle.
2. They would try all methods including luring white women to marry so that their numbers would grow.
3. Most of them who have migrated to the U.S and Europe had no genuine visa status but somehow manipulated their way to
get residence permits.
4. It is very dangerous to employ them in sensitive positions like the Armed forces, NASA and Chemical Laboratories as they all work from within wearing a smile.
5. Most of the American small businesses like restaurants and departmental stores should employ only the local citizens and not immigrants especially those from Pakistan.
6. Their mosques should be put on constant surveillance for seditious propaganda and mosques indeed are the breeding round of terrorism.