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In this new edition of the Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie focuses on Joy Behar Mocks Jesus (But Not Mohammed), reflecting on where cowardice, hatred and darkness meet.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch Jamie’s stirring speech at the American Freedom Alliance conference in Los Angeles where he discussed United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Jihad and shared how: “I thought we escaped the Soviet Union. But the Soviet Union came to us.”
And if you missed Jamie reveal the Most Pathetic Moment in Peterson vs. Newman Debate, where he unveiled a pitiful leftist who has no idea what her own ideology is — or the cancer it spawns, now is the time to watch!
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One Response
What a beautiful thing that Mike Pence is aware of Jesus’ presence to a greater extent than the many of us Christians. I would be overwhelmed if Jesus spoke to me. I pray that someday he will. In the meantime, I try to do my best to keep an awareness that God is not far away but is, in fact, within each of us, regardless of whether we hear him speak directly. I hope that I can live my life in a way that God finds acceptable, doing what I can to help others and being always aware that Jesus is there for me, regardless of whether I hear him or not. Amen.