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Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us.
In this new John Guandolo Moment, John affirms: Fear of Conflict Equals Defeat, explaining how you can’t win a war if you surrender.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch John discuss: Qur’an Oath in America, where he asks: Does it matter if an individual is sworn in to serve us with his/her hand on the Qur’an?
Also tune in to watch Anni Cyrus stressing how now is the key moment to give The Glazov Gang a helping hand. We are immensely grateful for your support!
Please donate through our new Unified-4-People Campaign or via our Pay Pal account.
One Response
I have seen some very adverse comments concerning Mr. Guandolo’s background that seem to make his validity as a speaker against Islamic terrorism suspect perhaps. Not that I don’t agree with his comments. I suspect many of those adverse comments that I have read on Amazon regarding some of his books came from Muslims who are trying to disparage his writings and the fact that according to them he was fired from his job with the FBI. Comments on this point?