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Order Jamie Glazov’s new best-selling and critically-acclaimed book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.
This new Glazov Gang episode features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at He is the author of the new book, Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against the Left.
Daniel discusses The Media Claims It Didn’t Know About Biden’s Senility, and he asks: Should you trust it?
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch our Special 10-Part Series on The Bolshevik Coup in America and The Hidden Agenda Behind the Plandemic.
[1] Freedom Center President Mike Finch Introduces Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov.
[2] Attendees Speak at Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov’s Evening – Heartfelt Words From Supporters.
[3] Jack Cashill: The Autopsy Threat that Doomed Derek Chauvin – When a chief medical examiner was warned to change his findings.
[4] Jamie Glazov’s talk on his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.
[5] Jack Cashill: Shocking Revelations on Bill and Hillary’s Body Count List – “The Clintons were the most evil people to ever occupy the White House.”
[6] Ivan Raiklin: The Real Shocking Reason for the Trump Mar-a-Lago Raid – What the FBI was really searching for.
[7] Ivan Raiklin: ‘Hey Deep State, We’re Coming For You’ – How the leftist powers-that-be are digging their own graves.
[8] Roger Stone: The Man Who Killed Kennedy – 60 years later it still urgently matters.
[9] Dr. Naomi Wolf: Covid Vax & Sexual Intercourse: The horror that Pfizer knew – and tried to hide.
[10] Dr. Carrie Madej: Horror – Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope.
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2 Responses
Albeit I’ve only arrived when everything seems to be in ‘full swing’ I’m glad I did!!! Not listened fully through anything yet but know it all going to be GOOD LISTENING/WATCHING!
Only just come across this site!!! What have i been missing?!!! only just listened to first 2 mins of 1 and that’s the clintons slime trail. I have bits and bobs scattered everywhere along with assorted notes, note books all filed (NOT) I’ve been thinking of getting one of those ‘remarkle pads’ no need for notes everywhere (that is when the frenzy is over and they come down in price! £400-£600 is a tad much for NOTE TAKING! 🤔😉or there’s something called ‘script’ pad? Do you or your followers know anything about these as you guys are bound to be taking several libraries worth of NOTES!
I’ve briefy looked at the others video titles and you seemed to have compiled all the things im interested in (and more) onto this one site!
Thank you Jamie and The Glazov Gang.
My very first bible quote that caught my attention, became my favourite and brought my attention back to Jesus Christ.
The eye has not seen; The ear has not heard;
Neither has there been conceived in the heart of man,
All the things God has in store for those who love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9 (my version! 😏🙃)