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This year’s Glazov Gang 2016 Episode of the Year Award goes to two special episodes — each of which captivated audiences around the world.

One of the winners was an episode of Anni Cyrus’s feature “Top 10”, which focused on Top 10 Most Ridiculous Crimes and Punishments in Iran. In this edition, Anni unveiled the surreal, dark and barbaric world of the Islamic Republic.

We present the winning episode below. Don’t miss it!

We will run the other Glazov Gang 2015 episode award winner in the coming days. The Glazov Gang team extends special thanks to all of our guests, viewers and supporters and wishes all of them a happy, healthy and successful new year!

And don’t miss the runner-up to this Glazov Gang 2016 Episode of the Year Award. It was an episode of Anni Cyrus’ feature The Unknown, in which Anni cast a disturbing light on Islam’s Rape Game in Europe, giving the deniers their first clue:

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