Islam’s Hatred of Dogs and Cruelty to Animals — on The Glazov Gang
The Islamic theological foundations that inspire a hatred of and sadism toward animals.
9 Steps to Successfully Counter Jihad — by Jamie Glazov
The 9 concrete steps that would make a big difference in preserving our civilization.
Robert Spencer Video: Why Ramadan is Full of Jihad Terror
Why Jihad is hitting Istanbul, Dhaka, Baghdad, Medina and Orlando during Ramadan.
The Brigitte Gabriel Moment: What is Really Driving the Terrorists

What really inspired Omar Mateen — and why Obama and the media don’t want you to know it.
Nonie Darwish Moment: Why is Obama Defending Islam at Any Cost?
The true reason the Radical-in-Chief positions Muslims as victims in every speech on terror.
Robert Spencer Moment: Trump Was Right
At last, the foreign policy we need.
Daniel Greenfield Moment: Facebook’s War on Free Speech
How Mao’s Red Guard rule social media — and the dark totalitarian future it entails.
Daniel Greenfield Moment: Palestine is Colonialism
Decolonizing Palestine means restoring Israel.
Islamic Blasphemy Laws Upheld by U.S. Campuses — on The Glazov Gang
How Wingate University tried to silence Nonie Darwish when she tried to talk about Jihad and Sharia.
Naming the Enemy — on The Glazov Gang
Do we say the word?