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This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Louis Lionheart, a Christian preacher who engages in open-air debates, dialogues and evangelism on 3rd. Street Promenade in Santa Monica, Ca. For information on his ministry visit his web site: TruthDefenders.com.
Louis came on the show to discuss “The Battle Over Islam on the Streets of L.A.,” sharing his experience of engaging Muslims about their religion on 3rd St. Promenade:
Don’t miss this week’s second Glazov Gang episode with Mark Tapson, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is a Hollywood-based writer and screenwriter who focuses on the politics of popular culture.
Mark came on the show to discuss “Fighting the Culture War,” emphasizing why Conservatives need more filmmakers, songwriters and novelists instead of political lecturers.
Don’t miss it:
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5 Responses
Israeli Rancher, Ron cannot leave his cattle alone. He is out there with them 24 hours a day. They will come and steal and mutilate his cattle if he leaves. Cutting off their ears, noses and heads. Ron is destroying his marriage. You can help him by helping bring Texas longhorns home to Israel to help defend his ranch with their sharp horns. Giving Ron time to go home to his wife. http://longhornproject.org 650-631-9270
Just watched the clip of Louis Lionheart being slapped by an irate moslem woman.
Islam is a stronghold of demons so you will never get truth out of these people as you are dealing directly with these demons.
So just declare biblical truth to them and maybe the Holy Spirit will direct some of it straight to the hearts of them.
A lot of the stuff of islam is illogical as well. This can be pointed out in street encounters. Don’t knock Mohammed himself as they think he is without error ! Best to stick with related facts as I do in the UK !
I believe the only way to defeat Islam is with the awful truth in the koran. That is what the Counter Jihad Coalition is doing and it is working. The moslems don’t like it when shown what is in their book, but the seed is planted.
There are reports that Islam is shrinking in the mid east because of all the violence of ISIS and that normal people who are also moslems see that what ISIS is doing is to the verse and letter of the koran. Many become closet atheists and some Christians because they don’t want to be associated with such violence,
In my opinion this is the preparatory plowing into the koran that needs to be done, in order for a new seed to take root.
Thank you Ann!
All so informative and confirms the importance of a Conservative view to the real truth. Incredible how the left and radical Muslims, come to a more civilized Country and start pushing a more peaceful society around. Bullies to the core…time to push back and take a stand. Now, how to try and defend oneself without the corrupt law enforcement sheep arresting those that do take steps to defend themselves.