Next time I mean. And I lived in the Soviet Union for one month in Saint Petersburg in June of about 1991. It was the first Yeltsin year but I still like to call it the Soviet Union. I never went to a museum there with my girlfriend/wife but hung around the street taking it all in. I got arrested the first time I went for a walk and later when I was back at the police station with the American Consulate lady yelling at them I looked into the police station toilet and understood the horror of it all. But I just love that place too. I think I have the same understanding of the Left as Jamie Glazov but its like family or my culture in a way. I go to Occupy Boston sometimes.
2 Responses
Next make Rob share his drugs.
Next time I mean. And I lived in the Soviet Union for one month in Saint Petersburg in June of about 1991. It was the first Yeltsin year but I still like to call it the Soviet Union. I never went to a museum there with my girlfriend/wife but hung around the street taking it all in. I got arrested the first time I went for a walk and later when I was back at the police station with the American Consulate lady yelling at them I looked into the police station toilet and understood the horror of it all. But I just love that place too. I think I have the same understanding of the Left as Jamie Glazov but its like family or my culture in a way. I go to Occupy Boston sometimes.