This week’s Glazov Gang was hosted by Ann-Marie Murrell and joined by Beverly Zaslow, a documentary film producer, Michael Hausam, a conservative writer and activist, and Nonie Darwish, the author of The Devil We Don’t Know.
The Gang gathered to discuss Americans’ Stockholm Syndrome With Islam? The discussion occurred in Part I and focused on how 9/11 traumatized the U.S. into Jihad-Denial. The dialogue occurred within the context of English-Language Media Ignores Breivik’s Coming-Out As A Nazi. (The title of Robert Spencer’s recent piece). The mass murderer has recently confessed of wanting to destroy the counter-jihad movement and yet the media is completely silent and no apologies are being made to individuals such as Robert Spencer who were slandered in the whole ordeal. The panel examines the reasons why.
In Part II, the Gang focuses on: Obamacare — An “Islamic Trojan Horse”?
Watch both parts of the two-part series below:
Part I:
Part II:
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