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In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses Our Stockholm Syndrome With Islam, wondering how long we will continue to empathize with — and defend — our abusers and potential executioners.
Don’t miss this special Jamie Glazov Moment:
And make sure to watch this new brief episode, Help Keep The Glazov Gang Alive, with producer Anni Cyrus, who explains why now, more than ever, is the hour to support the show that boldly tells the truth about the Left and Jihad that our media simply won’t dare discuss:
We recently started a Indiegogo campaign to raise $10,000 to stay on the air. With the incredible generosity we received from you in the recent past to bring us back to life, we are very optimistic that this goal can be reached.
Supporters can now donate directly to The Glazov Gang‘s PayPal account or also to our new Indiegogo campaign.
Thank you!
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One Response
Very true, important and complicated, because this is for the victim about living under oppression in a stable situation or living under oppression in an unstable situation of which the latter is even worse.
The critics will be considered the cause of the instability when risking doubt amongst followers of islam and the oppressors will take it out on the oppressed, keep them responsible for listening to it and causing the trouble. The’ll be demanded to fight it and the oppressed will be treated better when they show loyalty and shut critics out.
This whole mechanism keeps them all so busy that the oppressed are constantly in survival mode and never really ask themselves: Am I happy, is this the life I want to live?
We are, unless we’ve experienced abuse, often unaware of this and expect everybody to ask themselves every now and then whether their lifestyle gives them a good quality of life. Therefore we mistake the strong ideologic conviction of muslims for a deliberate choice for a happy a life, but it’s all about fear and indoctrination.
It makes me very pessimistic. A clear cut with the environment and it’s mechanisms is needed to change such a mindset, how is this possible for a world wide ancient cult?