Jamie Glazov Productions


Geert Wilders on “The West’s Battle For Freedom” – on The Glazov Gang

A titan and courageous truth-teller crystallizes the only way the West will be able to preserve itself.

fr[The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Please donate through our Pay Pal account, subscribe to our YouTube Channel and LIKE us on Facebook.]

One of the Glazov Gang’s most popular episodes was joined by Geert Wilders, the founder and leader of the “Party for Freedom” — which is currently the fourth-largest party in the Dutch parliament. Mr. Wilders is best known for his brave stance against, and truth-telling about, Islam. He is the author of Marked for Death: Islam’s War Against the West and Me.

Mr. Wilders came on the program to crystallize the only way the West will be able to preserve itself.

Did you miss this BLOCKBUSTER episode?

Here it is below:

And don’t miss the  new Jamie Glazov Moment in which Jamie discusses Ben Carson: Heroic Truth-Teller About Islam, commending a courageous American for having the guts to lift the veil off of Sharia.

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3 Responses

  1. The west speaks of freedom but I guess they don’t mean that minorities can have it , yes u can come to Europe & north America and u can build up our lands and our infrastructure but u can’t be free that is only given to our white majority. Ps thanks for being a slave to the man. French has banned Hijab…but they don’t know Hijab fashion industry market have crossed 500 billion dollar market. A Muslim woman explains why she has chosen to wear the Hijab, not out of repression, but liberation. They talks so much about freedom. Freedom this freedom that. Where is the freedom of what we choose to wear (i.e. hijab). They are gonna have regulation on how we will dress ourselves? Wow!!! The Virgin Mary wouldn’t be welcome there I guess. Those women who cover themselves, they respect themselves.. Mother Mary is always wearing her headscarf.

    The one thing I don’t understand is why people assume hijab/niqab s a symbol of oppression. Never once in my life have I been told to wear the hijab. For me it has always been part of my life growing up and every morning when I see myself in the mirror it makes me happy because I decided that I wanted to wear the hijab. When I wear my hijab it makes me feel confident, I feel like myself, this is how I have always been. But this isn’t how majority of the world looks upon the hijab. We live in a strange society where walking around half naked is acceptable but being modest and covering up is frowned upon. Not only this but also the fact that forcing a woman to not wear what she likes is ok, when clearly it is oppression itslef. How hypocritical is the French government. I’ve noticed that hate towards the hijab is more common in European countries as I can recall from my own experiences, North Americans (Canadians and Americans mostly) are more accepting towards multiculturalism, change, and tolerance.

    The French law does not surprise me, as France has a history of putting forth policies excluding those perceived not to be “French-French.” What a shame for a country that was once considered the pioneer of human rights! The law itself doesn’t make much sense. If the government views the hijab as denying women their rights, then this law only serves to further oppress them. The law doesn’t promote secularism as much as it allows hate slurs against Muslims to become socially acceptable.

    As a Muslim woman, I can’t understand the obsession with the hijab from both Muslims and non-Muslims. I believe the Hijab has unfortunately come to symbolize an entire religion, and those wishing to attack Islam do so under the guise of promoting women’s rights. The women that I know in the community wear the hijab out of free will, despite their family’s plea not to wear it, for the fear of being assaulted in public.

    Hijab is more than a headscarf, but about dressing modestly. I don’t see how Muslim women choosing to dress modestly should be treated any differently from Jewish women who cover their head with a wig with long shirts/skirts, as with many of the world’s religions. If women have the right to walk nearly naked in public, then they should have the right to cover themselves however they please.

    AN Indian-American Muslim girl living in the Dallas area who attends college. I chose to start wearing the veil 3 years ago, even though the girls in my family don’t. I chose to wear it myself after I studied Islam and thought it was a beautiful way to express my love for my religion and nothing more. I’m an active student who participates in all sorts of college and volunteer activities. My veil has never stopped me from doing anything and I refuse to let people’s stares and comments get to me. I’m only using my freedom of choice and expression and I have every right to express my belief in this way as long as it’s not violating anyone else’s rights. I have discussed my veil greatly with professors and I believe it’s wrong to force anyone to wear it as well as to force anyone to remove it. You’re taking an individual’s right to her religious freedom. My mother doesn’t wear it and neither would I ask her to as I’m happy with whatever way she chooses to express herself. I believe this should apply to everyone. It’s a piece of cloth for God’s sake. What harm does it cause anyone? Only narrow-minded and uninformed views cause harm to a society. I pray people become more accepting and respectful of those who are just peacefully expressing their religious beliefs.

    As a Muslim woman wearing the hijab, I see it as a feminist matter. As long as the hijab is worn by choice, as is the case with me & millions of other women, it is a way of life that amplifies our voices and diverts public attention from our sexuality. A woman’s body & sexuality are a private and sacred matter. We choose who matters enough to enjoy them. We choose how we want to be viewed, both physically & intellectually. We challenge the over-sexualisation and silencing of women. We challenge societal ideas of beauty and womanhood. To dress modest is to empower the character within the clothing, rather than reducing her to a person constantly seeking societal approval of her looks, self, and worth. Wearing the hijab in an Islamophobic climate is the real form of jihad – not warfare nor terrorism. Challenging misogyny and sexism via the hijab is a form of jihad.

    She works with quite a few female professionals who choose to wear a hijab – it is part of their identity and not a symbol of oppression – I would no more expect them to abandon their headscarves than for a Sikh to not wear a turban. It is their choice. This obsession of the French with how Muslim women dress is just blatant racism and so disturbing. The Quebec separatists tried to pass a similar law to distract from real issues (like the economy) and succeeded in united the Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and other religious communities – and then got voted out of office.

    1. First; you use the word racism very easily. Racism is discriminating someone because of their race. Weiring a hijab has nothing to do with your race. So; it is not racism. You might argue that it is discrimination, okay, But racist, no. We have to be very careful with these accusations, because we wouldn’t want to accuse people easily with this sort of big words, now do we?

      The French have every right to make their laws as it suits them. It is their country. When there are countries like Iran that have a law saying women (also those visiting) have to wear the hijab, then other countries are also aloud to say that they forbid it. Let’s just call that souvereignity.

      I am glad for you that you had the chance to choose to wear the hijab, but as you very well know, there are many women in Islamic countries and cultures who certainly do not have the choice. Like, as I said earlier, for instance Iran. But this also goes for women in Saudi Arabia and other countries. So; no the hijab is most certainly not always a matter of free choice. There is even police arresting women for not wearing one and men throwing acid in women’s faces when these men think they are not covered up enough. So don’t start about the ‘freedom’ of the hijab. The freedom the Muslima’s in the West have, to wear one or not, is not given to the women in Islamic countries. That is how it is. And -as you feel that it is so liberating to have a choice to wear one or not- you might want to reach out to your fellow Mulima’s in those countries instead of going after people who make and are aloud to make their own laws in their countries just like the Muslims do in theirs. Since you argue that it is so liberating, why don’t you speek out for the oppression of these women instead complaining in the free world that gives you all your rights about these things?

  2. Thanks for your comment IA and I think that you bring up a very valid point. Far be it from me or anyone to say what anyone can wear. As a very loving man, friend with all and single loving father in Dallas, I stand by your fight to wear anything and worship who you like.

    I do feel however that it should be pointed out that the fear of ISLAM and Sharia spreading to the west gives us valid concerns based on the history of their intolerance for our ways of life. Are we to assume because some laws or norms digress away from tolerance and acceptable social ways, ISLAM is a harmless victim and misunderstood?? I recommend a great book by David Horowitz called Unholy Alliance if you want a real factual history lesson in the plight and fight of Muslim people as well as their level of tolerance for the west. I send this reply in love and peace and hope you will find in your heart that just because we are white; all white people are not ignorant, angry members of the KKK just as you who wear hijabs are not all trying to cut our heads off. Be that as it may…Have a great day!!!

    بارك الله فيكم امرأة من ضوء
    Bless you Woman of Light…

    David in Dallas

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