Jamie Glazov Moment: The “Not All Muslims Do That” Suicidal Charade

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In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses The “Not All Muslims Do That” Suicidal Charade, unveiling how a leftist malicious ploy masquerades as humanitarianism but deceives and destroys.

Don’t miss this special Jamie Glazov Moment:

And don’t miss the previous BLOCKBUSTER Jamie Glazov Moment, in which Jamie discussed Ben Carson: Heroic Truth-Teller About Islam,  commending a courageous American for having the guts to lift the veil off of Sharia.

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7 thoughts on “Jamie Glazov Moment: The “Not All Muslims Do That” Suicidal Charade”

  1. Radical Islam, through coercion and intimidation, united the Muslims of the world in its epic struggle to provide moral, financial, and logistical support to those who are on the front line of war with the infidels. That silent but effective network of support allows terrorists to avoid security forces, survive, plan, recruit new members, and provide training.

  2. Dr. Glasov, you are so wise and willing to disclose the truth. God bless you and keep you…. thank you for your willingness to shed light on the truth.

  3. What Muslim, yes, fundamentalists are trying to do, yes, again reminds me of what happened in Cambodia in the mid-1970s. The Kymer Rouge communists under Pol Pot began implementing their version of a communist utopia/perfect society so enthusiastically and without restraint that several million Cambodians were summarily executed or worked to death. Pol Pot’s minions were so bad that the more “moderate” Vietnamese communists had to invade Cambodia and stop the fundamentalist communist genocide. I wonder when the organized armies and air forces of the so-called “moderate” Muslim states might do as the Vietnamese did to their Cambodian “comrades”? But how can they when it’s a violation of religious tenets to kill the co-religionists of their particular sect and what they’re doing has a scriptural basis?

  4. Jamie-
    If a Muslim renounces Sharia law and renounces Islamic law-how can he still call himself a Muslim -he would be a pretend Muslim-like most all western Muslims. Also being President of the US and being Muslim is mutually exclusive-in Islam-according to any interpretation of the Koran and Hadith -that would be like serving God and Mammon-
    -so Ben Carson was right -but he didnt go far enough in taking the teachings of Islam to its logical conclusion.-I would have answered the question by saying a person cannot be a Muslim and President of the US at the same time. Period.

    1. The Quran teaches that it is permitted to lie to farther Islam. So how can anyone trust that one did in their heart convert????

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  6. The other time that I put my e-mail address, your response was that it was not a “valid e-mail address.” If it was not valid, then explain how you sent it to me at that address, and I received it, but when you asked for my e-mail address, the response was that it was “not valid.” Explain that! Anyway, I want to thank you for the two McDonalds business cards that got me free sandwiches. If they would serve me my meal at the restaurant, I would not shout and break up your lecture. After 40 minutes I finally said something. I had to call the owner’s son to get my meal.

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