Jamie Glazov Productions


Robert Spencer Moment: If You Don’t Want to Assimilate, Don’t Come

How non-Muslims in the West are being made to conform to Islamic sensibilities – and starting to fight back.

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This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents the Robert Spencer Moment with Robert Spencer, the Director of JihadWatch.org and the author of the new book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS.

Robert discusses If You Don’t Want to Assimilate, Don’t Come, revealing how non-Muslims in the West are being made to conform to Islamic sensibilities – and starting to fight back. 

Don’t miss it:

And make sure to watch Robert discuss Trump Was Right, unveiling how, at last, a presidential candidate is recommending a foreign policy we urgently need.

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27 Responses

  1. A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit. None of 7/7 bombers and British Muslim youths who are in Syria and Iraq are the product of Muslim schools. They are the product of British schooling which is the home of institutional racism with chicken racist native teachers. It is absurd to believe that Muslim schools, Imams and Masajid teach Muslim children anti-Semitic, homophobic and anti-western views. It is dangerously deceptive and misleading to address text books and discuss them out of their historical, cultural and linguistic context. When a native Brit goes to Middle East, he is called a voluntary fighter. When a Muslim goes there he is called a terrorist. Double standard by the British society. Also lot of British Jews went to Israel to fight but on their return no action was taken against them.

    We live in a shrunken world and millions of people are on the move; one of our biggest challenges is how we learn to live in proximity to difference – different skin colours, different beliefs and different way of life. According to a study by COMPAS, Muslims born and educated were given the impression of outsiders. The perception among Muslims is that they are unwelcome in Britain is undermining efforts to help them integrate into wider society. Most of them say that they have experienced race discrimination and religious prejudice. Muslims and Islam is promoted a fundamentalist and separatist by the western elite, which have negative impact on community and social cohesion. The number of racist incidents occurring in London Borough of Redbridge’s schools have reached their highest levels since record begin.

    People are people, regardless of where they were born, what colour their skin is, or whatever religion. All deserve respect. Tolerance in Sweden/Britain is an illusion. The problem isn’t immigrants not adapting to British culture, it’s Brits showing much disrespect and scorn to those who are of any immigrant background. even if an immigrant was well versed in English, knew the customs etc. would they still get employment? No. Would Brits treat them as a decent human? No. So why would they want to assimilate into a culture that is constantly tearing them down?

    Multiculturalism is not about integration but about cultural plurality. It is not about separation but about respect and the deepening awareness of Unity in Diversity. Each culture will maintain its own intrinsic value and at the same time would be expected to contribute to the benefit of the whole society.
    The spirit of crusade is still alive in West. Now Muslim community is part and parcel of Western society, contributing for its prosperity, obeying Western laws and paying all sorts of direct and indirect taxes. What do you expect from them? People like you must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. The demand for Masajid, state funded Muslim schools, halal food, sharia laws and Muslim cemeteries are not against the law of the land.

    West must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. Muslims are part and parcel of the western society. Muslim community needs Masajid, state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers, halal meat, sharia laws and Muslim cemeteries, otherwise, the future generations would be lost in western jungle.

    Muslim population is on the increase in all western countries because of immigration, high birth rate and conversion. There will never be an end to immigration from Muslim countries. Islamic studies should be a compulsory subject in all schools and colleges for the benefit of the western people and Muslim children should have their own state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers, otherwise, they would be lost in western jungle.

    1. Interesting concepts. However, here in the USA I would be jumping up and down if, for instance, the Baptists or the Catholics, through political means, made “studies” of their sects “compulsory” and be “state funded”. But recognizing that the culture of the USA is vehemently against such and antithetical to OUR fundamental law which begins with the ideas of Freedom and Liberty within a context of a civil society. The Muslin concept of “the pursuit of happiness” is perfectly fine until their pursuit starts stepping on the toes of others and requiring, thru law, coercion and picking the pockets of others thru taxation to implement one sects, in this case, comprehensive values and political system.

      Coming to the USA to live — and I might add: let live — is one thing. Coming to subvert a complete culture is another. Advocating “compulsory” this or compulsory that, with respect to religion, indicates you, sir, do not understand the American history and culture…or you do, and want it eradicated in a “compulsory” way. Very, uh, Progressive!

      1. “” Coming to subvert a complete culture is another. “”…………..are you completely barmy, or were you born that way………..a few 1000 muslimsfleeing from the horrors of war,instigated by the USA and allies…………how can they subvert 322000000 brainwashed Yanks

    2. What cultural plurality in Islam, please?
      What respect for others, non Muslims, in Islam, please?
      What respect for others, Muslims (Sufis, Ahmaddiyas, Shia, Allawis, etc.) in Islam, please?
      What “crusades”, please? The occupation of Andalucia for 700 years, or the occupation of Greece, Yugoslavia and Hungary for 400?
      – who conquered North Africa and eradicated its local (Greek and Roman) culture, as they did in Iran, India, Africa?
      – Who has eradicated Palmyra, the Afghan Buddhas and the librairies and tombs in Timbuktu?
      – Who is threatening, again, the Jews with genocide?
      – Who has practised genocide on the Yazidis, the Assyrians, the Armenians, the Sudanese, the Bengalese, the Hindus, in this century only?
      The key to a healthy life is self-criticism. Why don’t you start with an honest analysis of all that is not going well in Islam and what are the causes in Islam itself?
      We have it here, it is called “democracy”.
      “All human beings are equal in rights and dignity and endowed with the freedoms of conscience and expression.”
      Please note: “all”.
      Please note : “freedoms of conscience and expression”.
      THAT is the Law. That is the human project.
      Yours truly.

    3. Mr. Ahmad
      Your post is full off intolerance for host nations while calling for tolerance of Islam and that is a part of your struggle as in jihad. Your Islamic supremacy is showing.

    4. “It is absurd to believe that Muslim schools, Imams and Masajid teach Muslim children anti-Semitic, homophobic and anti-western views.” Really, I have read the Koran, Hadith and other Islamic books. I live in an area that has bee almost completely overtaken by mostly, very devout Muslims who put hijab on babies in strollers, baby girls who haven’t yet learned to walk. I have watched,while Muslims take over the cafeteria in public schools on Friday making it a mosque where girls are treated like second class citizens and no non -Muslim is allowed to to use that cafeteria.

      I have watched Muslims accuse non-Muslims of crimes and forced them to go through a legal process that was horrendous. But,thank God, video evidence proved the Muslim was lying. So, I have seen a lot of Muslim prejudice against the people who welcomed them.
      I’ve also seen what is taught in Islamic schools and know what is taught there.

      Muslims who fight for Isis are fighting for a known terrorist organization, which is why they are terrorists. They themselves, have provided the whole world with plenty of proof that they are terrorists. There is no doubt about it.

      Tolerance is the wrong word to use, the proper word should be respect. Tolerance means nothing and is of no value in this discussion. So far, I have seen little respect from Muslims to the countries and people that have taken them in. Muslims ( unlike any other group of immigrants), demand that we tolerate things that are unacceptable in our civilization. When you show respect for us, our laws, history & culture, you might be able to get some back, but to date all I see is demands for accommodation that no other group of immigrants from anywhere has made.
      You make a lot of demands, without providing any benefits. Since Christians have been arrested & deported in & from Saudi Arabia for praying in their own home & from Lebanon for possessing Bibles. In most Islamic countries, places of worship are not allowed to be built or repaired, I’d say Muslims in the west are doing very well for themselves. Any prejudice that exists is entirely the result of the actions of Muslims who commit terrorist acts and the lack of reaction against such acts. it shows the west that you agree with the terrorists ,even if you don’t commit the acts yourself.
      By the way, just as an aside. Have you ever watched Palestinian kids TV? How can you suggest that Islamic schools don’t teach anti-west rhetoric,, when Palestinian TV shows it quite openly and textbooks have been found to contain similar information.

      The Crusades, where a response to 600 years of Islamic warfare against the Christians living in the area. The reality is that as soon as a government gets involved directly with a religious group, bad things that should not occur happen. This was what happened in the Crusades. But, the Crusades were small in comparison to the numbers of Jews,Christians and other non-Muslims who have been attacked and killed etc. since Mohamed started his political/ideological system and the numbers continue to grow at a very rapid rate.

      The big difference is that Christianity in the west is separate from government,so, these types of events don’t happen as a result of Christianity or even Judaism. But, Islam is completely dominant over every aspect of a Muslim’s life and political Islam will be very difficult for you to weed out of Islam in general. Until Muslims make their faith a true faith,not part of a political system, Islam is incompatible with the west and it’s ideals & practices. While some politicians may be Christian or Jewish, that faith is not connected to their political responsibilities.
      “There will never be an end to immigration from Muslim countries. Islamic studies should be a compulsory subject in all schools and colleges for the benefit of the western people and Muslim children should have their own state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers, otherwise, they would be lost in western jungle.” Why? There has been immigration from all over the world to the west, those immigrants have taken on the citizenship of that country and integrated into the population,but, still maintained their own personal cultural life, taking some from their home country and added it to the new country they have become a part of.
      This is not what you want. You want to dominate the culture of the country that has given you safety & opportunity, and force the population already there to live by your rules. Islam,by it’s very tenets and practices, refuses to integrate.

      How many people do you see walking around everyday in traditional Chinese, Irish, Scots, Greek, Italian or any other form of traditional dress. They wear it occasionally,on special occasions,not every day as your people often do. You and your people are responsible for any hard feelings you have and feel that others have towards you. The burkini episodes are a perfect example. if you and your people are so uncomfortable in the west,why do you stay? No one is forcing you. There are many Muslim nations who could take you in and you would feel fine. why do they not? Why are they forcing you to move to the west, where you will be miserable unless you make the rest of us miserable with you? That is what you are doing. Stop complaining and make some effort to become a part of where you live. You bring your wars with you and continue them in the west, which no on else has done. Why? I’m sure many people can figure it out.

    5. I’m not going to refute your long list of distortions and propaganda. It can all be summed up in one word…Taqiyya. What you claim is actually what we, the West, are being subjected to by the Islamists.

      You came to claim sanctuary or a better life and you were accepted, fed, housed and received all the rights the West has struggled to attain over the centuries.

      Instead of embracing the countries that accepted you, you insist we throw our culture and laws, our way of life, aside. You demand we embrace your alien theocracy, your system of archaic beliefs, laws, and practices which only serve to crush the individual spirit, do not allow for cultural and religious differences, seek to destroy any joy to be found in this life, and teach that deceit is acceptable when dealing with non-Muslims.

      You harbour the evils and false ideas that drove you from your own homeland and demand the right to recreate them here.

      Why would you want to stay in a culture that you claim “is constantly tearing them [you] down?” Please do yourselves and the civilized world a favour and flee these terrible “Western Jungles” for a safe Islamic haven like Saudi Arabia. I’m sure you’ll be welcomed with open arms and purses.

      1. It is easy to say” Go back to where you came from”, but do not forget that British Muslims are actually born and educated here. They are in the unenviable position of trying to combine two different worlds. That is no easy. We do not want to change you lot but we would like to see our children getting balanced Islamic education along with National Curriculum.

        We would like our children to learn and be well versed in standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. At the same time we would like our children to learn and be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit. Bilingualism is an asset but British schooling regards it as a problem.

        Chancellor Angela Merkel told Germans they should see the arrival of thousand of migrants as “an opportunity” and warned of divisions in German society. In her traditional New Year’s address to be broadcasted on Thursday (31 December), Merkel, once again, defended Germany’s “Wilkommenskultur” – the culture of welcome, which has informed her policy since the start of the migrant crisis last summer. She called on Germans to be “self-confident and free, humanitarian and open to the world” because “past immigration have always benefited to countries.”

        “I am convinced that, handled properly, today’s great task presented by the influx and the integration of so many people is an opportunity for tomorrow,” she said. In 2015, Germany registered 1.1 million migrants and refugees, Emilia Muelle, the social affairs minister of the state of Bavaria, said Wednesday. This is five times more than the previous year. Islamic extremism and Washington’s extremism is not really that different in their goals of domination. I am more concerned about being shot by a cop in my own house than being shot or blown up by a Muslim also.

        The West has never been at ease with Islam since the Crusades. It is unfortunate that huge oil supplies lie under the Arabian Deserts. It is the West that stirred the trouble that led to 9/11. That attack was a desperate act of by men prepared to lose their life. We need to get to grips on who is the terrorist? On 24 November 1963, Lyndon Johnson said, “the battle against communism… must be joined… with strength and determination. Some three million lives were lost in the consequential battles. The US had to pull out due to Public Opinion. Communism lived on. So who was the terrorist?

        Terrorism and sexual grooming is nothing to do with Masajid, Imams and Muslim schools. Those Muslim youths who have been involved in terrorism and sexual grooming are the product of western education system which makes a man stupid, selfish and corrupt. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage, literature and poetry. They suffer from identity crises and I blame British schooling. None of 7/7 bombers and British Muslim youths who are in Syria and Iraq are the product of Muslim schools. They are the product of British schooling which is the home of institutional racism with chicken racist native teachers. It is absurd to believe that Muslim schools, Imams and Masajid teach Muslim children anti-Semitic, homophobic and anti-western views. It is dangerously deceptive and misleading to address text books and discuss them out of their historical, cultural and linguistic context. It is not wrong to teach children that Jews are committing the same cruelty in Palestine what German did to them before or during Second World War. It is not wrong to teach children that anti-social behaviour, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, sex before marriage, teenage pregnancies and abortions are western values and Islam is against all such sins. This does not mean that Muslim schools teach children to hate westerners, Jews and homosexuals.

        West must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. Muslims have become part and parcel of the western society. The number is on the increase because of migration, high birth rate and conversion. What is true of a home or a village is also true of the world as it has become a global village. Now, more than ever before, the world needs the harmony and tolerance that can only be assured by the freedom from insults.

        A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. The whole world belongs to him/her. Muslim community in all western countries needs Masajid, state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers, halal meat, sharia laws and Muslim cemeteries, otherwise, the future generations would be lost in western jungle, like Anjem Choudary and all other extremists, who are the product of British schooling.

        Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. It is a crime against humanity to send Muslim children to non-Muslim schools with non-Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islam’s teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. Muslim schools are attractive to Muslim parents because they have better discipline and teaching Islamic values. Children like discipline, structure and boundaries.

    6. Two way thing and Islam only takes and never gives. Why come to a country with Western values, the majority of the westerners don’t want you here. All other religions are fine at assimilation and dont put on the West like Islam. The most intolerant cult of all.

    7. Muslim community is now part and parcel of western society. They pay all sorts of taxes. They have been contributing for the economic, social and spiritual prosperity of the western society.

      Immigrants like me have been contributing for the social, economic and spiritual prosperity of GB. As a pensioner, I am still paying income tax. Last year my son paid £40,000.00 income tax. My four nephews who are doctors have been paying thousands of Pounds as direct taxes and indirect taxes. Similarly, there are millions of Muslims who have been contributing. Your churches are empty while the number of Masajid are on the increase because of high birth rate, immigration and more and more Brits are accepting Islam as their way of life.

      No body is preaching Islam to you. There is no compulsion in Islam. I am concerned with the education of Muslim children with Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. The demands for state funded Muslim schools is in accordance with the law of the land. Muslim community is not asking for any favour. Muslim children must develop cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities, before they are exposed to wider society, otherwise, they would be lost in western Jungle.
      Muslim children not only need Mosques, halal meat or Eid Holidays but they need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their development period also. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. Legally, the state has an obligation to respect the rights of parents to ensure that ‘education and teaching(of their children) is in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions.’ The schools must satisfy the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural needs of Muslim pupils. State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not in a position to satisfy their needs. A good school is not just a knowledge factory or a conveyor belt for churning out exam passes – it is a community, a family. A community is held together by common values and principles

      Bilingual Muslims children have a right, as much as any other faith group, to be taught their culture, languages and faith alongside a mainstream curriculum. More faith schools will be opened under sweeping reforms of the education system in England. There is a dire need for the growth of state funded Muslim schools to meet the growing needs and demands of the Muslim parents and children. Now the time has come that parents and community should take over the running of their local schools. Parent-run schools will give the diversity, the choice and the competition that the wealthy have in the private sector. Parents can perform a better job than the Local Authority because parents have a genuine vested interest. The Local Authority simply cannot be trusted.

      Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 10% attend Muslim schools and more than 90% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.

      The demand for Muslim schools comes from parents who want their children a safe environment with an Islamic ethos. Parents see Muslim schools where children can develop their Islamic Identity where they won’t feel stigmatised for being Muslims and they can feel confident about their faith. Muslim schools are working to try to create a bridge between communities. There is a belief among ethnic minority parents that the British schooling does not adequately address their cultural needs. Failing to meet this need could result in feeling resentment among a group who already feel excluded. Setting up Muslim school is a defensive response. State schools with monolingual teachers are not capable to teach English to bilingual Muslim children. Bilingual teachers are needed to teach English to such children along with their mother tongue. According to a number of studies, a child will not learn a second language if his first language is ignored. I A

    8. We are not going to adopt to those aspects of your culture and religion that we don’t like. I do not believe in your God or you holy books, and am under no obligation to follow it. I am going to continue to live by my Western culture. I will not harm you, but your presence will not change my Western behavior of openly drinking, eating pork, owning a dog, and not fasting during Ramadan. Good Day.

    1. Majority of Muslims are economic migrants working and contributing for the economic prosperity of the western society. Only a tiny minority is refugees because their counties,economy and homes have been destroyed by the evil policies of the western powers.

      Immigrants like me have been contributing for the social, economic and spiritual prosperity of GB. As a pensioner, I am still paying income tax. Last year my son paid £40,000.00 income tax. My four nephews who are doctors have been paying thousands of Pounds as direct taxes and indirect taxes. Similarly, there are millions of Muslims who have been contributing. Your churches are empty while the number of Masajid are on the increase because of high birth rate, immigration and more and more Brits are accepting Islam as their way of life.

      Migrants cannot take peoples jobs. If the people already here wanted the jobs, then all migrants would be unemployed. Seems to me a lot of people over here don’t want low paid labour intensive jobs but want the lifestyles associated. Bung their parents and grandparents off to care homes staffed by migrants, cheap restaurants and service, cheap local shopping, whereas the middle and upper class get cheap nannies, motor care, and building jobs. A report for the Low Pay Commission found that between 1997 and 2005, immigration to the UK made a positive contribution to the average wage-increase experienced by non-immigrant workers.

      This great myth that the British public didn’t want all this immigration is very hollow. All this talk of the ‘indigenous’ and their rights, well if all the off spring of the ‘indigenous’ took all the available jobs then by default a lot of people would be put off coming here. If the indigenous supported increases in educational and training standards and were willing to pay the cost of this, then the indigenous would fill all economic positions in this country pure and simple.

      The very same people moaning about all this immigration are the same people who want their taxes kept to a minimal, don’t give a toss what that means in terms of getting the millions of Brits who are now economically under trained, out of touch with modern demands of economic prosperity, don’t want to work the long hours, don’t like the sub ten quid an hour working conditions in

      By any reasonable measurement you could care to apply, the British people at large do not want immigration.

      You and your society must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. The number of Muslims is on the increase because of immigration, high birth rate and conversion. Muslim children must learn and be well versed in standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. The medium of instruction in all Muslim schools is English and not Urdu or Arabic. At the same time he must learn and be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural heritage and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit. The whole world belongs to Muslims.

      Islam is regarded as the fastest growing religion of the 20th and 21st centuries. There are two factors responsible for this atavistic phenomena of Islamic resurgence: firstly, unlike Christianity which is more idealistic, Islam is a more practical religion, it does not demand from its followers to give up worldly pleasures but only insists on regulating them; and secondly, Islam as a religion and ideology has the world’s richest financiers.

      Bernard Shaw who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925, said, “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in highest esteem because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capability to the changing phases of existence which can make it appeal to every age. I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad, that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.”[15] Is it a miracle or not?

      1. Ahmad,

        That G. B. Shaw quote is a selected piece of a larger quotation claimed to be from an interview between George Bernard Shaw and a Sufi Sheikh named His Eminence Maulana Mohammed Abdul Aleem Siddiqui in Mombasa in 1935.

        The spurious, larger quotation was presented as a separate side-bar, yet did not appear anywhere in the interview.

        The interview was printed in 1936 in Volume 1 of the Genuine Islam, published by the All Malaya Muslim Missionary Society in Singapore and was, apparently, the only volume they ever published.

        IF the full quote, as intimated, actually was from Shaw, those familiar with the man, his politics, and writings see that it would have been satire. Perhaps that is why those who try to use it as supportive evidence only refer to the shorter version.


  2. Shalom,
    I strongly recommend that you read this “Culture and Conflict”, by Prof. Philip Salzman. It will help you stop repeating your errors about Terrorism and Islam.
    It is the first study of Arab cultural structure in the Middle East and Mediterranean area in 70 years. An Egyptian anthropologist, around 1900, did the first study.
    This study shows Arab Culture as a tribal cultural from top to bottom. Each extended family has their own tribal structure that is in continually in conflict with every other tribal family, to acquire more power in order to move up the social ladder, i.e. the Arab Spring. There are no cultural limits on violence in Arab culture. Families maintain a balance of power based on violence or the threat of violence. When one family becomes weak another moves up to take its place.
    All Arab nations are lead by a family tribal leader.
    Syria has many extended tribal family groups fighting each other trying to acquire more power and move up the social structure. Until one of them damages or destroys all the others, in order get complete control, the conflict will continue, i.e. the Arab Spring.
    This social structure is at least 1400 years old. It has internal defense mechanisms that defend Arab culture rejecting everything from Western Culture. Western culture values threaten the authority and structure of Arab culture. Western democracies cannot assume they can democratize Arab culture because they reject everything western.
    Ps. you should employ both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. Pamela follows Islamic developments in America. You might want to check out her web site, Atlas Shrugs; Robert is an overall expert on Islam and a past employee of the CIA. You also may want to check out Bill Warner web site Political Islam.
    Respectful yours,
    Robin Rosenblatt, M.Sc. Animal science, former Israeli soldier and past anti terrorist agent
    The Israel Longhorn project
    Nonprofit 501(c) 3 #74-3177354
    22 Yarnall place
    Redwood City, CA 94063
    Tele: 650.631.9270 / cell: 650.339.0269

  3. Our future.
    Islam is taking over the EU and England you are now enter a new Dark Ages of Islamic
    Sex Slavery I figure 5 or 10 years is all they have before it happens. All European women will be turn into Islamic sex slaves. Starting with 9-year-old girls.

    1. Peaceful or not, Islam is only a religion just like any other cosmopolitan religion whether it’s Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism. Instead of taking an essentialist approach, which lays emphasis on essences, we need to look at the evolution of social phenomena in its proper historical context. For instance: to assert that human beings are evil by nature is an essentialist approach; it overlooks the role played by nurture in grooming human beings. Human beings are only intelligent by nature, but they are neither good nor evil by nature; whatever they are, whether good or evil, is the outcome of their nurture or upbringing.

      Islam is regarded as the fastest growing religion of the 20th and 21st centuries. There are two factors responsible for this atavistic phenomena of Islamic resurgence: firstly, unlike Christianity which is more idealistic, Islam is a more practical religion, it does not demand from its followers to give up worldly pleasures but only insists on regulating them; and secondly, Islam as a religion and ideology has the world’s richest financiers.

      Muslims are not perfect but Islam is. Islam is a pure and a peaceful religion. Do not listen to what media has to say about Islam but find out for yourself. Educate yourself enough to speak about the religion. Quran is proved to be in its pure words that was given to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ..
      and this is proved by many non Muslim scholars and Muslim scholars alike … And all the religious scholars accept that Quran is having no contradictory words. besides Islam ,all the religious scholars accept that their books have changed by passage of time but Islam is in its pure form .. Islam never teaches us to insult any other religions no matter what the non-Muslim says about yours… That’s the teaching of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We love Adam Noah …mosses Jesus.. Muhammad peace be upon them all ….

      why would highly educated people around the world accept Islam or embrace Islam ??? Even after all the media have portrayed Islam in negative way or misrepresented Islam always in a worst manner ??? Why would a country where you could find highest number of churches in the world turn into highest numbers of mosques ???? According to Islam ,when Jesus comes back Muslims and Christians both will follow him and also some Jews will … And about the media , they are not protecting Islam ,they are trying to spread hatred of Islam all over the world so that no more people accepts Islam but unfortunately to the ones who hate Islam , after every time they try to spread hatred about Islam more and more people accepts Islam … when WTC were attacked and brought down and given a name that Muslims did this but obviously today everyone knows who did it… After that attack millions around the world got the message of Islam and millions accepted Islam …example ..only in France more than 50000 people accepted Islam within few days after the attack … what about the ones with high knowledge about Christianity and fighting against Islam but eventually you see them accepting ISLAM .. why??? Are they not “shown” with
      both side arguments ???? Why would Islam be the fastest growing religion and not any other religion ??? Our beloved prophet Muhammad promised us that ISLAM will spread all over the world ..and it’s happening now …how did he know ????
      George Bernard Shaw – The Genuine Islam Vol.No.8, 1936. “I believe if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring much needed peace and happiness. I have studied him – the man and in my opinion is far from being an anti–Christ. He must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I have prophesied about the faith of Mohammad that it would be acceptable the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.”

      Islam is the fastest growing religion and will continue to grow until it enters every house on earth, this is not my saying, it is the saying of the prophet Muhammad Revealed to him by God. This is Gods plan and Gods work, nothing man can do about.We, the Muslims believe in the Oneness of Allah (God) in all aspects.

      What is meant is that there is a clear difference between the Creator and the creation, and that there is nothing whatsoever that can be compared to the Creator. We believe that Allah (God) is the Lord of everything, and there is no lord besides Him. We believe that He (alone) created the Heavens and the Earth and everything that is found in them (whether seen or unseen), without the help of anyone or anything. We believe that He is the Sole Possessor, Creator,
      Provider, Sustainer, and Maintainer of everything. He is the One who brings life into existence and the One who causes death. He is not in need of, nor does He depend upon anything, but everyone and everything depends upon Him. We believe that He created humanity for one purpose; to worship Him alone, and that He has placed everything in the Earth as an aid for mankind to achieve this goal.

      Worship to Allah should be the number one focus in everyone’s life and everything else besides that is secondary. We believe that all acts of worship are due to Allah alone; from supplication, fear, hope, dependency, prayer, fasting, obedience, submission, seeking help, repentance, vowing, sacrificing, and other than that from the various acts of worship. We believe that if anyone does any act of worship for other than Allah (God) then they have committed the worse sin in creation. We believe in accountability, which means that every single human being will be judged for their actions. Thus everyone who obeys Allah and worships Him alone will receive His Mercy and Forgiveness. Likewise everyone who disobeys Him and worships other than Him will receive His Wrath and Punishment. No man will be responsible for the deeds of another. The father will not be judged for the sins of the son, nor vice versa. No man can die for another man’s sins, on the contrary every individual will be held accountable
      for what his own hands put forth. We believe that all the Prophets and Messengers from Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jonah, Lot, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, John, Jesus the son of Mary, and Muhammad (the last Prophet and Messenger) came with this invitation. The Prophets called the people to submission and wilful compliance to Allah, and this is the religion of Islam in which we the Muslims invite humanity.

      Bernard Shaw who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925, said, “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in highest esteem because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capability to the changing phases of existence which can make it appeal to every age. I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad, that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.”[15] Is it a miracle or not?

  4. America’s future:
    The UK and Europe will fall to Islam and large parts of East and North Africa entering into a New Islamic Dark Ages.

    The EU is being taken over by Islam. The EU’s future is bleak if they are lucky they are headed toward a Civil War, but a Civil War against Islam that they just might lose. They will become another Islamic slave state, with young 9-year-old English and European girls and boys will be sold and bought as Islamic Sex slaves.

    1. You Muslim haters are such vile and hateful people, you Believe whatever people like Jamie and Ingrid spew out of their gobs…..here are a few TRUE facts……….Ingrid and Jamie were discussing the 250000 muslims that would be swarming over Sweden this year 2016……….and now after 8 months slightly under 14000 have been given asylum status……..whilst at the same time about 30000 have left Sweden……………an extremely long Cold wet and dark Winter,not what the smugglers told the refugees trying to get into Europé……….so what say you now Ingrid or Jamie

      1. 14000 too many. Sweden will go under first. What was once my homeland has been raped and pillaged by this cult and orchestrated by the leaders. We cannot give more in welfare , th country is almost broke. You think the migrants work? Not many of them, they’re happy living on our welfare whilst abusing our women. Swedish police cannot cope with the almost daily car burnings, rapes, crime and drugs on our streets. What was once an envied model of the world has been brought to its knees by nothing other than Islam and a scum left of socialist Government. Every country this sick cult touches is infected. Do as Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia do, keep them out and protect your own from the Inevitable..

      2. You apologists are such vile and hateful people.

        Get it straight, we don’t hate Muslims. We do disagree with Islam and the growing attempts to force the practice of this religious/political/legal ideology that makes the claim it is the last and only acceptable, don’t-you-dare-question-it, one-size-fits-all answer to everything.

  5. A Muslim is a follower of Islam.
    Islam is a religion.
    Muslims are not a race.

    What is the relevance of your comment?

  6. Muslims can integrate with people of other nations and faiths if they follow the Sanatana way of life. Today many educated Muslims want to leave Islam but are afraid that they will be killed by their fellow religionists. By adapting the Sanatana way of life they need not change their name, diet, customs or undergo purification ceremonies; or say prayer in an alien language or visit places of worship; and live harmoniously with their neighbours. Hence the Muslims must be first shown a safe path so that they renounce Islam but does not arouse suspicion among their fellow Muslims. See http://ilovesanatanadharma.blogspot.in/

  7. By allowing 1,000, 10,000, or even just a million muslims into a country of 320 million people, who do not accept the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land; who refuse to assimilate and attend public school, learn the language and adapt. Who openly advocate for the sharia, which is muslim law that all people not of the muslim faith are dimini and that the sharia does not allow them the same protections as a muslim; in essence it makes a slave out of all Christians and Jews, is not immigration, it is the very definition of an insurgency funded and supported by the obama administration against the people of the Untied States, and it will bring the war to our very door steps.

    Just like Sacramento, and Orlando: As more muslims are allowed into America get ready for the hate and the vile seventh century to become alive in America as muslims continue to refuse assimilation and force their view point as the only view point permitted. By the way, ISIS is not an extremist, out of context muslim sect. ISIS is following the Qu’ran to the letter and muslims know this; when muslims are allowed in, hate, murder and rape follow. Just ask the Germans, the Swedes, the British and the French how unfettered immigration of muslims is working out?

  8. Have the Amish assimilated after living in the U.S. for centuries? Here in northern New York state we have a large Amish population. They are wonderful people. But they keep to themselves and shun the rest of us whom they regard as “of the world”. I support their position and I have often wished that I were Amish. I’m amused to note that many Amish women wear black head and neck coverings that are as large as those worn by many Muslim women. Yet we are perfectly comfortable with this “Amish style” and regard it as quaint and wholesome because this is a long, long established tradition in the U.S., and because the Amish have a long established reputation for kindness, forgiveness, humility generosity and compassion.

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