Runs Anni Cyrus’ Video on “Honor Killing Your Own Sister for Islam”

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jkThe Glazov Gang is ecstatic to announce that has run Anni Cyrus’ Unknown Glazov Gang video on “Honor Killing Your Own Sister for Islam.”

Anni asks: Will Hillary stand up for the memory of Farideh and tweet about her?

Watch the video HERE!

8 thoughts on “ Runs Anni Cyrus’ Video on “Honor Killing Your Own Sister for Islam””

  1. Iftikhar, if you have to keep denying something that is obviously true, over and over and over….you are in denial. It sure seems Islam is guilty of all the things you deny, but who am I gonna believe…, or my lying eyes? How are things in fantasy Islam land?

  2. Iftikhar, if you have to keep denying something that is obviously true, over and over and over again….you are in denial. It sure seems based on reality, that Islam is guilty of all the things you deny, but who am I gonna believe…, or my lying eyes? How are things in fantasy Islam land?

  3. Ahmad;
    What a mix of fantasy and falsehoods.

    Honour killings are part and parcel of societies ruled by and through Islam. You must have ingested a lot of Sherif Abdel Azeem’s propaganda.

    The Pagan part seems right. It was common in your religion’s home culture… pre-Islamic, of course.

    Post-Islam, women are still considered of lesser value and concern than men. All women are owned by men. They are to be hidden, used, and are punished for any transgression a man may commit against them as a man’s actions (urges) are considered uncontrollable and any result is the woman’s fault.

    Your claims regarding infanticide are greatly mistaken. Judeo-Christian morals prohibited infanticide as that is the will of God. The Torah demands that married couples procreate and Jewish law prohibited the killing of children. With the rise of Christianity and the fall of the Roman Empire, Judeo-Christian ethics spread and more and more became part of secular law.

    The rest of your claims show you don’t seem to know Islam and its consequences in the West at all or are deliberately lying.

    If Islamists find living in the West such an affront, such a terrible, immoral thing; if obeying the mores and laws of these lands are so odious and against your beliefs; then do the logical… the sane thing… avoid all the confusion and struggle and flee back to your homeland. There you can bask in the wonderfulness and tolerance of all it offers.

  4. Iftikhar Ahmad……trying converting to any other religion. Notwithstanding anything contained in quran and hadith you will be mercilessly killed. Did you ever read quran and hadith…..its full of violence how can a illiterate warlord i.e muhammed start a religion that says its peaceful while its at war with all other religions in all the the countries they are allowed to breed.

    1. you are wasting your time trying to reason with someone indoctrinated/brain-washed before birth. ww11 didn’t end because the other side were shown they were in the wrong. it ended due to the allies having superior force and intelligence. i’m very fearful for what’s to come in europe. taken down that path thanks to islam unaware, bleeding heart do- gooders.

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