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This special 2-Part Series of The Glazov Gang was joined by Dr. Peter Hammond, the founder of Frontline Fellowship. He discussed Islam’s Hatred of Dogs and Cruelty to Animals, examining the Islamic theological foundations that inspire a hatred of and sadism toward animals. [For Part II, CLICK HERE.]
Don’t miss it!
A special Glazov Gang with Dr. Hammond also focused on How the Animal Kingdom Exposes Leftist Utopia as a Sham, unveiling the world of animals and its delegitimization of the socialist fairy tale: CLICK HERE.
And make sure to watch another special 2-Part Series of The Glazov Gang below that asked: Do Animals Have Souls? Joined by Dr. Hammond, the series explored many of the key questions related to the Biblical teachings on animals. Part I deals with Will Animals Be in Heaven? and Part II analyses How The Fall Affected Animals.
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Part I: Will Animals Be in Heaven?
Part II: How The Fall Affected Animals.
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3 Responses
Although Lucifer which means angel of light, he is the devil in person. 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 speaks about the devil who changes himself as an angel of light, to deceive people, and his servants do likewise. His horror manifested whatsoever everywhere, against humans and animals. We can say that these Muslim extremism or anyone using children in war, they sacrifice their children to the fire god Moloch. Followers of Christ do not. Note, that not all Christians believe in the Trinity, like myself. I believe in the One God, Jehovah and his Son, Jesus, who gave His life for us. As a Christian Witnesses of Jehovah, do we not commit senseless violence against to people nor animals and abhor war. Thousands of fellow believers are tortured in concentration camps and slain in Germany. Today we are as Christians in many places prosecute, as now in Russia.. Yet, despite all the violence and evil talk about us, we respect people and mistreat any animals. But this does not mean that we close our eyes for all the evil in people and animals we see around us. All this testifies to our eyes in contempt of the Father Almighty Jehovah and his son Jesus. So we take God’s Word, the Bible, to all kinds of people, not in hatred but in Christian love.
Rob Gwosdz
As a JW you may want to check what the Bible says pertaining to how to tell a false prophet in Deuteronomy 18:22.
If you believe that The New Testament was a legitimate update to The Old Testament, then you believe that revelation is progressive. There is a new update!.. If you want to know who Jesus and Lucifer really are, read The Urantia Book.