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On this new special edition of The Unknown, Anni Cyrus discusses “Non-Devout” Muslims and the Threat They Pose, unveiling the minefield of cherry-picking when and where you choose to follow Sharia.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch Anni focus on Islam’s “Kill-All-Jews” Day and the Left’s Hateful Silence. She sheds light on Muslims chanting “Death to Jews!” on “Al-Quds” Day and wonders: Where are the leftist howls of indignation?
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3 Responses
A Muslim can go through life not taking religion seriously, with few coming right out to say as some of us in the west say “my family made me go to church when I was little but I don’t really have a religion today”. Very rarely will a muslim completely reject Islam. They will say things like ” I’m to lazy to pray ” but almost never “I think.its nonsence and I don’t care about that stuff”. They always leave the door open because some day the fire of hell may claim them. And Muslims want Allah and pbuh to be their bail bonds man not matter what you see today
Anni is right on. The difference between the “tool box” for Muslims and Christians is in the “tools”. There is no killing tool in the Christian box but there certainly is in the Muslim tool box. Thus, the non practicing Christian has the option of reaching into the Christian tool box and loving his neighbor and God at some later time but not practicing murder against his neighbor. That option isn’t available.
A Muslim is a Muslim. He is neither moderate nor extreme.