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In this new John Guandolo Moment, John discusses: Qur’an Oath in America, and he asks: Does it matter if an individual is sworn in to serve us with his/her hand on the Qur’an?
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch Anni Cyrus stressing how now is the key moment to give The Glazov Gang a helping hand. We are immensely grateful for your support!
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2 Responses
I agree with most of Guandolo’s assertions. However, ending with the finding that “only Christians” may hold office is absurd. I do not disagree that Muslims should not hold office for the same reasons as Guandolo cited earlier. But followers of most religions are quite capable of assimilating with our Constitution and law. Some Jewish people were involved in our founding and have played important roles since. Few of our Founders were Catholic and yet there is nothing in that religion which contradicts our Constitution. (Catholics ARE Christian, of course, but were a minority in the founding.) It is just unnecessarily confrontational to non-Muslims who are also non-Christians. As far as I know, only Islam dictates that we must abolish all other laws than theirs. If I am in error, then any religion which takes this position is similarly incompatible with our law and culture.
Jews hate Christians. It’s in their Talmud and have assisted muslims throughout history.