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This new episode of The Glazov Gang features Clare M. Lopez, the Vice President for Research & Analysis at the Center for Security Policy.
Clare focuses on: Who’s Trying to Wreck the US-Saudi Relationship? — and she unveils the agenda to sabotage the modernization of the Saudi Kingdom.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch Katie Hopkins share: They Plotted to Behead Me, where she unveils when a female Jihadi wants your head as a wedding present.
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3 Responses
The Lopez video contains several important observations that Americans need to hear.
She presents an explanation for the assassination for journalist Washington Post Khashoggi. Khashoggi was not identified in most reports as a Muslim Brotherhood allied author. He was portrayed merely as a critic of the Saudi monarchy. The immediate assumption was that Mohammed Bin Salman had a critic killed. That can not be dismissed. One can just as easily see that interpretation might be exactly what the anti-Trump and anti-Saud forces would want, a schism between allies.
Lopez also alerts Americans to the “Great Purge”.
I came upon US immigration law as it pertained to Islam many years ago. I was directed to official documents after researching the policies that let the 9/11 hijackers enter the US. My internet search, as often happens, took me on a side track of my intended destination. US authorities at that time were to alert Muslims that polygamy was forbidden, wife abuse outlawed. The list was complete.
Under Obama I had heard that Muslims were authorized to “purge” documents in use by any US agency that might offend fellow Muslims.
It wasn’t hard to believe. As soon as Janet Napolitano became the Secretary of Homeland Security, use of the word “jihad” and “jihadi” were banned. The phrase “War on Terror” was banned.
Later an artillery instructor at West Point was fired for using the word “jihadi”.
Censorship leaves America vulnerabl. Uninformed Americans are unaware of the true nature of Islam and the threat it represents. The very core of our culture is being altered through “Civilization Jihad”.
Allowing the likes of CAIR and other Islamic groups into government where they have purged references to Islamic jihad and/or Islam and terrorism from FBI training manuals and from other agencies has left the USA vulnerable to these jihadist attacks. Worse yet these attacks can’t be labeled what they truly are, Islamic jihad, so they will continue unless these idiotic policies are reversed. As another commenter stated, this is civilization jihad.