Greenfield Video: The Coronavirus, the Democrat Grasshopper and Republican Ant

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This new Glazov Gang episode features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at

Daniel discusses The Coronavirus, the Democrat Grasshopper and Republican Ant, and he asks: Who really failed to prepare for the pandemic?

And make sure to watch Daniel discuss Can Coronavirus Kill the City? where he offers Reflections on our national security – and our health – as we enter a new era.

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

One thought on “Greenfield Video: The Coronavirus, the Democrat Grasshopper and Republican Ant”

  1. Thank you Daniel Greenfield for your succinct explanation of the differences between Democrats and Republicans that explains why the current national crisis is as bad as it is. The leaders of the Democrat party and the mainstream media, like the grasshopper, have spent their time criticizing ourPresident’s every decision while suggesting that the way out of this crisis is to give every citizen money that the US neither has nor can repay at a later date. They are determined to lead us down the path of Argentina toward societal destruction. It is very sad that so many are buying into this approach to try to make the pain go away. If ever there was an indication of the failure of our education system in the US, this reaction to a crisis is the proof.

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