[To get the whole story on why the Left betrays those who it pretends to speak and care for, read Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror: CLICK HERE.]
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This new Glazov Gang episode features Francis Buk, a former slave in Sudan who escaped his enslavement and is now an abolitionist. (Read his memoir Escape from Slavery and help him to free modern-day slaves by supporting iabolish.org.)
Francis affirms: Mr. Farrakhan – With One Word You Can Free Black Slaves, unveiling how Farrakhan won’t say a word, and he will continue to allow black people to be auctioned for slavery in Africa.
Don’t miss it.
And make sure to watch our 3-Part-Series on Racist Muslim Arabs Barbarizing Black Slaves in Africa and Farrakhan’s Betrayal of Black Slaves:
Part 1: Dr. Charles Jacobs: Farrakhan’s Betrayal of Black Slaves – how the Nation of Islam leader has turned his back on black Africans being sold as chattel.
2: Francis Buk: ‘My Escape From Slavery in Sudan’ – The horrific story of an African boy’s ten years in captivity.
3. Dr. Charles Jacobs: Racist Muslim Arabs Barbarizing Black Slaves in Africa.
Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.