Video: Jamie Glazov’s Heated Stand-Off With Taqiyya in Omaha

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One of Jamie’s most heated confrontations went down against Dr. Naser Z. Alsharif, the Director of the Middle East Cultural and Educational Services, over the Muslim Brotherhood’s malicious gambit within the Tri-Faith Initiative.

The event was hosted by the Global Faith Institute in Omaha.

Did you miss this epic showdown?

Here it is below:

And don’t miss the new episode of The Unknown, in which Anni Cyrus helps us in Understanding the Islamic Republic Through the Qur’an.

Why is the Islamic Republic so viciously oppressive of women? Anni connects the dots:

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3 thoughts on “Video: Jamie Glazov’s Heated Stand-Off With Taqiyya in Omaha”

  1. Excellent clip. I’ve seen it numerous times, and am always encouraged hearing and seeing Dr. Glazov denounce the lying, taquiyya-minded, condescending spokespersons for Islamic “moderation.” Thank you for keeping these ideas before the public.

  2. I grew up about a mile from the site of this planned ‘interfaith consortium’. Was appalled at the very concept when plans were initially revealed, about a year ago(?). Remain unconvinced that this can be pulled off successfully, with peace and respect, as long as ANY muslim organization remains a part of the process.

    IIRC, one other religious group initially committed, then subsequently pulled out, cannot recall what it was. (non-muslim though.)

    Thank you, Dr. Glazov, for your continued quest to educate us about the dangers of islam. I have learned much from you, and recommended you to others.

  3. I agree that you can not be born Islamic and if you didn’t believe you never were . I think it’s powerful coming from Anni , I bet lots of Muslims can relate . It might seem like common sense to Christians who had to first believe and choose to call themselves a Christian , but Islam has branded people a shameful word , apostate , if they were born a Muslim and don’t believe in Islam .

    The other points linking the laws of Iran and the Koran are good too . The fit together nicely in this episode . From following Anni I am most inspired by the fact that a sense of freedom and individuality in her , as a young girl , in Iran proves that the the truths that the founding fathers called “self evident ” really are , as confirmed by a woman who was once a young girl , in Iran , and labled a Muslim . I know the preamble to the Constitution intends that all men ( and women ) are created equal and endowed by our creator with rights to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness . It is still inspiring that a woman would stand up and lay claim to that belief from her soul even as a little girl , but moreover a woman born into the Muslim brand in Iran . It proves our founders were right , this feeling is universal to all human beings .

    It seems like common sense that many seem to have missed in their soul searching . Having the point delivered in this context is to me . I can’t help thinking it should resonate even more with people who were also born Muslim , were not steeped in the preamble of the US constitution childhood and perhaps have never heard those inherent human sentiments put into such eloquent ( and the accent is totally charming ) words , however short . If the point were a full episode .. a little more time dwelling on that fiery and powerful human spirit rising up in that young girl herded into islam in the midst of Iran tears would have had time to catch some gravity .

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