Please donate through our new campaign or via our Pay Pal account.
Dear Fans of The Glazov Gang,
We are so grateful to all of you for helping us to keep going. The Glazov Gang is, after all, a fan-generated show and it is only because of you that we are able to produce our programming.
The Glazov Gang is the program that boldly tells the truth about the Left and Islamic Jihad that our establishment media and higher culture simply won’t dare discuss. And so it is no surprise that the crowdfunding online company GoFundMe has banned us from accepting online donations and that YouTube repeatedly shuts down our monetization.
The Muslim Brotherhood front-group CAIR leads the Unholy Alliance’s war against The Glazov Gang. The Hamas-linked group sends out press releases pressuring groups to cancel their events featuring our producer Aynaz Anni Cyrus. In its attack on Anni, one of CAIR’s typical press releases went into a listing of many of the things that our courageous producer has been saying in her Glazov Gang videos — a tell-tale sign that CAIR is watching our show and fretting about the truth that we are getting to the public.
The leftist and venomous hate-group, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC: Hate Machine), is also consistently libeling Anni, referring to her, among other things, as being “anti-Muslim.” The specious absurdity of this libel is unveiled when one considers all the suffering Muslim people under Sharia that Anni and our show consistently stand up for, especially when it comes to the Muslim women and girls who are victimized by FGM, Honor Killings and other Sharia barbarities. Hate groups such as SPLC and CAIR always smear heroic human rights activists such as Anni as being “anti-Muslim,” when they are, in fact, anti-Sharia oppression and anti-Jihad.
It is no wonder that groups such as SPLC and CAIR are panicking about Anni Cyrus and The Glazov Gang, seeing that one of Anni’s videos, The Solution to Stop Islam, has gone viral and is now nearing 1.5 million views.
And so, as this time of year has arrived, when we need to reach out for assistance to keep going, we hope our fans could give us a boost through our new campaign or via our Pay Pal account.
(Those supporters who would like to write a check, kindly contact Jamie for more info at:
Below, please watch this special new short video by Jamie in which he stresses that now is the key moment to give The Glazov Gang a helping hand.
We are immensely grateful for your support!
In the meanwhile, kindly subscribe to The Glazov Gang’s YouTube Channel and encourage all of your friends to do the same: CLICK HERE.
And make sure you have seen our BLOCKBUSTER recent episode featuring Clare Lopez discussing: Behind the Scenes of the Suleymani Hit.
This is the kind of programming that can’t be found in our establishment media — and that your support makes possible.
Thank you!
With deep gratitude, The Glazov Gang.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and to Jamie Glazov Productions. And follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.
2 Responses
Don’t use Paypal! Otherwise I would like to support you!
You can donate via our F1Fund Campaign or email me at and we can send you an address you can send a check if you wish. Thank you so much! We really appreciate it.