Jamie Glazov Permanently Suspended From Twitter

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On Thursday morning, Nov. 18, 2021, at 2:39am Pacific, Twitter informed me that my Twitter account had been permanently suspended. The reason they gave me was that I had violated Twitter’s “Covid-19 Misleading Information Policy.”

The offending article they cited that I had posted was Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated – from vaccinesafety.info. The article is factual and backed up by verified and credible sources. Twitter gave me zero information on what exactly is misleading in the article.

This permanent suspension is a culmination of a long history of Twitter punishing me for violating their leftist One-Party line.  Just recently, for  instance, on Oct. 25, 2021, Twitter had informed me that they had locked me out of my account because I had violated their “rules against hateful conduct.”

My “hateful conduct” involved me entering the discussion over Twitter  suspending Rep. Jim Banks’ Twitter account because he had called Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary, a “man”.

I tweeted the story with an honest question that was on my mind – and remains on my mind: Does it matter if Rachel has a penis or not? I honestly think this is a legitimate question in the context of Rep. Banks’ punishment.

I was informed that I had to delete the Tweet in order to get my account back. I decided to delete it – so that I could return and continue to ask many similar questions.

Another instance of Twitter punishing me transpired a few years back – when I was suspended for quoting the Qur’an and Hadith. This also apparently falls under what Twitter terms “hateful conduct.”

The mystery remains: how is quoting Islamic texts “hateful conduct”? If it is, why does Twitter never suspend Muslims’ accounts when their owners quote Islamic texts? Why does it only suspend people like me when I quote the texts, in this case, in defense of Muslim women and girls? I never did get an answer from Twitter on this issue.

In any case, since we are on this issue, I also remain confused why I was suspended from Facebook around that time when a certain Muslim individual I was having an exchange with about Islamic theology told me: “I will break your mouth.” When I posted a screen shot of that threat of physical violence I was suspended, while the individual who made the threat was not.

Just for the record, today I am completely shadow-banned at Facebook and Instagram.

And make no mistake, YouTube is also constantly getting in on the fun: perpetually demonetizing our Glazov Gang program and deleting thousands of our views and subscribers. Recently it removed our shows with Celeste Solum about the PCR Test Horror, with Dr. Carrie Madeh about the Covid vaccine and with Jeff Crouere about Dr. Fauci — while failing to inform us of even one fact that we discussed that was wrong.

We are constantly suspended from posting at YouTube and they have threatened us that if we have one more “strike” (i.e. telling the truth about Covid, the vaccines, the mandates and the lockdowns), that they will remove our YouTube channel.

That’s why we have moved over to our new Rumble Channel. So please subscribe to it and hit instant notifications. Also kindly follow us on Parler: @Jamieglazov11 and GETTR: @jglazov.

And so the battle goes on.

As the Deep State and leftist tyranny and madness surround us, please continue with supporting our efforts to tell the truth about the threat America and the Free World are facing. Please give us a hand at JamieGlazov.com and enable us via our Pay Pal account or write to us at jamieglazov11@gmail.com for alternatives.

Below make sure you’ve seen our recent episode featuring Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor who has been a lifelong advocate for human rights. She is the founder of Alliance for Human Research Protection .

Vera discussed Covid Vaccine Mandates & Nazi Tactics, revealing how ‘Auschwitz did not begin with Auschwitz’.

This is the kind of programming that can’t be found in our establishment media — and that your support makes possible.

With deep gratitude, Jamie.

Please donate via our Pay Pal account.

[Show your support for Mike Lindell and The Glazov Gang while doing your Christmas shopping. Use this link for MyPillow and save up to 65% on all your purchases!]

Follow us on our Rumble Channel and on JamieGlazov.com, Parler: @Jamieglazov11, GETTR: @jglazov and Facebook.

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