Video: Jamie Glazov’s Showdown With Jihad-Deniers on Hannity
The host of The Glazov Gang vs. the Unholy Alliance.
Hannity Hosts Epic Battle Over Islam – by Drew Zahn
To order Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate, click here. This article is written by Drew Zahn and reprinted from Jamie Glazov of FrontPage Magazine, author of “United in Hate” and “Showdown with Evil,” is tired of being called “racist” or an “Islamophobe” for speaking out against the danger Islam poses to both Westerners and […]
Video: Jamie Glazov Discusses His Battle on Hannity Against the Unholy Alliance
[Subscribe to The Glazov Gang and LIKE it on Facebook.] In this special episode of The Glazov Gang, Ann-Marie Murrell interviews Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov about his battle on Hannity against the Unholy Alliance: To watch previous Glazov Gang episodes, Click Here. LIKE Jamie Glazov’s Fan Page on Facebook.