Anni Cyrus Moment: Divorce and a Death Sentence Under Sharia
The nightmare confronting a woman who seeks to escape her “marriage” under Islam.
The Top Ten Qur’an Verses to Understand ISIS — on The Glazov Gang
A sobering glimpse at ISIS’s Islamic inspirations.
The Unknown: Islam and The Real Assault on Women
Anni Cyrus asks: Where are the feminists?
New Jamie Glazov Moment: The Leftist Heart of Darkness
What resides in the heart of leftists to deny why Sonia Bibi was set ablaze for refusing a marriage proposal in the Muslim world.
The Unknown: To Be Raped Under Islam
Anni Cyrus reveals the horror she endured under the Islamic Republic — and how she prevailed and is fighting back.
Video: Jamie Glazov on “Media’s Willful Blindness about Islam”

Frontpage editor rocks the Eagle Forum of California State Conference, 2015.
Jamie Glazov Moment: We Love You Asia Bibi
A Christian mother of five awaits execution for loving Jesus in solitary confinement in Pakistan. Who will stand for her?
The Death of Europe — on The Glazov Gang
Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield unveils how the Mohammed retirement plan will kill a continent.
American Bikers United Against Jihad — on The Glazov Gang
A freedom-loving group rises up to wake Americans up about the dire threat we face.
The Unknown: Nightmare of Being a Woman Under Islam
A heart-wrenching true story.