When Presidents Lie — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by an All-Star Cast: Ann-Marie Murrell, National Director of PolitiChicks.tv, Basil Hoffman, a Hollywood Actor (“The Artist”) and Monty Morton, a Conservative Entrepreneur. The Gang discussed When Presidents Lie. The discussion occurred in Part I (starting at 12:45 mark) and weighed Nixon’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s falsehoods — on the […]

To Lie for ObamaCare — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s episode of The Glazov Gang was joined by titans Mell Flynn, a Hollywood actress and the president of the Hollywood Congress of Republicans, Kai Chen, a former basketball star on the Chinese national team and the author of One in a Billion, and Monty Morton, a Conservative Entrepreneur and walking Encyclopedia of Economics. […]