Jamie Glazov Productions


Anni Cyrus’ Unknown: Lies About Hijab 101

A "seminar" sets out to normalize vicious savagery against women.

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On this new special episode of The Unknown, Anni Cyrus focuses on   Lies About Hijab 101, unveiling a “seminar” that is setting out to normalize vicious savagery against women.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch Jamie Glazov discuss What a Woman in Hijab is Really Saying to You, revealing the terrifying truth about what it really signifies:

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13 Responses

  1. This is Britain. We are to a large extent ‘free’ people. Therefore they should be allowed to wear what they want. I am sick of government intervention in ever aspect of everyone’s lives! So we make the rules to promote so-called Freedom of Right and then when we come up against an issue we don’t know what to do. Typical Britain, where we do not seem to think about many things before we act in the first place. This is just the beginning. As they say when you go to Rome do what the Romans do! But we are not and will never be the Romans either.

    When I were a lad I went to Spain. Most of the nuns wore full face veils and they were HUGELY respected for their religious vows. Fast forward to 21st century Britain and we’re terrified of Muslim women in veils! Guess what? The media is constantly scaring us against them. Anti Muslim Britain or what? Who’s orchestrating it? who keeps wanting to bomb Muslim countries? You know who! Don’t hate. How is a women under a sheet a threat?

    The government must’ve gotten it’s people paranoid with its propaganda against Islam. I am more scared of my own government and policing in this country then al-Qaeda. al-Qaeda aren’t got time for my a…

    The UK’s National Secular Society came out against a burka ban, saying “the NSS opposes any attempt to legally ban the burka or niqab. We do so on two grounds of principle: a woman’s right to choose what she wears, i.e. her right to free expression; and her right to religious freedom.”

    Secularism is about respecting the right of people to follow any religion equally (or none), and of keeping religion out of politics and politics out of religion. Secularism is a check and balance against fundamentalist excess. Sensible people of faith are, or ought to be, secularists – unless they follow a brand of religion that wants to control everybody.

    The question is not about to veil or not to veil but for every woman to have the right to choose. This is question of basic human right including the right to freedom of religion and expression. French administrators have played into people’s fears and intolerance without adequately answering what great threat was posed by girls going to school in a headscarves? I do not believe in taking the rights of other people, and doing so shows the weakness of French democracy.

    Burqa is not locking women, it is a buffer line between protecting chastity and exposing. Being naked and drunk is acceptable but being covered and modest is inhuman.

    Surely nobody should be telling women what they can and can’t wear. Face covering? Would that extend to my precious Ray Bans? Why not… apparently face-recognition cameras don’t work when confronted by the simple sun glasses. And what about bushy beards and moustaches? And what next… hoods, floppy wide-brimmed hats, anti-pollution masks, scarves? Where does this silliness end? Just for peoples information when security’s a concern the women can remove the veil and the few I’ve spoken to do.. On the grand scale of things how much of an issue is this really? Don’t be distracted. Around 0.1% of the UK’s Muslim population were a veil.

    Many have observed that today, modern Britain is responsible for objectifying women as sexual objects. The nations favourite newspaper still offers a daily dose of page 3 and it has been estimated that 13% of all internet searches have erotic content[2]. Indeed when Google releases the top 10 search strings of the year they have to discount all of the ones relating to porn otherwise all 10 would be un-publishable. Most of these sites have of course been developed by western companies seeking profits. You would have thought the Tory party would have plenty to keep themselves busy with as regards the furthering the plight of women. At least they would do if they all weren’t so busy watching it. A freedom of information request from the Huffington Post[3] revealed that the House of Commons authorities acknowledged that users of the Parliamentary Network servers, including both MPs and their staff, have repeatedly attempted to access websites classed on Parliament’s network as pornographic between May 2012 and July 2013. The number of attempts to access pornographic websites via the Parliamentary network peaked for 2012 at 114,844 last November and at 55,552 in April for 2013. Perhaps someone should send them some Niqab so they can cover their faces in shame.

    We live in an overly vain culture that is having a detrimental effect upon the mental health of young women. We live in an overly promiscuous society in which abortion rates keep going up along with sexually transmitted diseases. It is a reality that some women may choose to opt out completely of this culture because they find it burdensome and exhausting on the spirit. Modern society is failing women and this has social consequences, no wonder the majority of people turning to Islam in the West are women, and no wonder that many of the women who wear the Niqab are British born converts.

    The right to wear a Niqab is in-keeping with people’s freedom of expression which supposedly a modern day Britain seeks to preserve. The right to wear a Niqab is preserved under religious freedoms which supposedly a modern state should seek to uphold if it wants to remain in keeping with the UN charter. If a women believes it to be fore mostly an act of submission and dedication to their God, then I see no argument for a modern Britain to interfere. The niqab does not conflict with principles of feminism if it is a woman’s chosen form of dress. A significant aspect of feminism is giving a women the right to choose what she wishes to do with her own body. Many women who wear the niqab regard it as empowering, claiming that those they encounter, give greater value to their speech over their cosmetic appearance. That may seem strange to some people, but is it stranger than nudist beaches, pole dancing clubs or barely clad ladies staggering home in stilettoes after a night out on the tiles? Cultural conditioning and social constructions alone seem an unfair method of determining that which is ‘normal’.

    French president wants Muslim women to be topless like his wife who posed topless in fashion shows. He has no right to ban the burqa because it is undemocratic and an unqualified attack on individual freedom. Burqa is not just a piece of cloth but a lot of ideological and cultural connotation to it. Women are just being exploited in the name of rights. Burqa protects women’s rights and treat each women like a princess. No one has the right to ban the freedom of choice in a secular and democratic country. The right to choice is a basic fundamental right the person should have.

    One Muslim woman, Caroline Chaiima, writing in Lepoint.fr, said she wore a veil: “Let those most closely concerned speak. I am a French woman born in France, with French parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and I am a Muslim. I wear the full veil and I feel like saying: So what? I am happy behind the veil, I protect myself from depraved stares. Neither my father, nor my brother, nor my husband forced the full veil upon me; it’s a personal choice.”

    1. Iftikhar, as soon as we see Catholic nuns wearing the full-veil, standing with their husbands in suicide vests and automatic weapons, demanding that Westerners respect their clothing “freedoms” by dressing exactly as they do under penalty of death ….then I suppose you’ll have a point.

      But we don’t have husbands and brothers of Catholic nuns beating and stoning other nuns for not being fully veiled, or listen to nun’s husbands on Youtube discuss how uncovered women are responsible for their own rape and abuse.

      Islam is broken, needs a reformation, and you aren’t helping.

    2. Nobody’s talking about women being a threat,DUMMY.
      Scumbag MUSLIM TERRORISTS dressed in NIQAB hiding their BOMBS, suicide vests,grenades, UZI”S etc.,get it??????

    3. Utter baloney. Nuns don’t wear face veils. Never has a woman religious covered her face. She wears a head covering because of something St. Paul writes. And not even all of them do this. But those who do, please don’t equate this with hijab. That’s garbage.

    4. Let me remind you- nuns are CLERGY…Muslim women are not. Muslim women have no choice in many middle-eastern countries, they MUST cover. Muslim women are NOT nuns…nuns have a choice!

    5. Iftikhar Ahmad,
      You say don’t get distracted then you drone on to distract. I suppose FGM is also a free choice. Muslim always use this ‘free choice

  2. Jamie, thanks for the insight and experience you have,,good work trying to tell the truth!
    To the lead poster,,wow. ok, when was the last time a NUN blew herself up? lol. Why don’t you actually ask your women friends who wear niqab or burkas if they actually feel’ like a princess’? you may be surprised at the answers you get.
    And furthermore , as an American woman , I am shocked at how many women I see in hijab and burkas now, it has definitely seemed to increase in the past few years and I also think it is a way for people to think that islam’s sharia is ‘harmless’ (covered means protected?) and for them to promote dawah. BUT in reality it is a self-segregating behavior,,it screams ‘stay away” . It is actually a physical and mental barrier, how can you actually know who you are talking to when you can’t see them? WHERE IS THESE POOR WOMEN’S TRUE ABILITY TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES?
    What about the security risks? there needs to be a line drawn somewhere, soon legally here in America because this is going to be a problem soon if we don’t. Also, apparently being covered by wearing a burka and therefore being ‘protected’ only applies to muslim women, if you are a western women in the EU or the US, you are fair game for rape. And we all know that domestic violence and rape is legal in islamic countries, so a fact that a woman is ‘covered’ or not is actually just a way to divert the subject away from the real problem of subjugation of women in the western and islamic world. At least us Kuffar have a taste of freedom. I feel most badly for the women who come to the US and see all the women who are free to be themselves, and dare not to dream to take that niqab or burka off because of their family. That is the real tragedy, having the key to your cage , and not using it.

  3. The ‘excuse’ is always trotted about freedom of choice. However as Muslim women are indoctrinated from birth about their position in Islam. How we know when it is freedom of choice?
    Even when they claim it is freedom of choice. If you teach a girl that her body is a source of sin and must be hidden or lecherous men will be tempted, where is the freedom? Western women walk about scantily dressed in summer and they are not constantly harrassed, as in fact they are in Islamic countries even when covered. Muslim men have shown very clearly they cannot restrain their lusts when they are near non Muslim women, whom BTW they are taught by their clerics
    to disrespect as loose women.
    As Ms Cyrus says thousands of women have injured and murdered for not dressing according to Muslim rules, mostly in fact be their family members, so where is the freedom of coice.
    That so called freedom is a myth which is often given justification by Muslim women themselves.

  4. The ‘excuse’ is always trotted about freedom of choice. However as Muslim women are indoctrinated from birth about their position in Islam, how we know when it is freedom of choice?
    Even when they claim it is freedom of choice. If you teach a girl that her body is a source of sin and must be hidden or lecherous men will be tempted, where is the freedom? Western women walk about scantily dressed in summer and they are not constantly harrassed, as in fact they are in Islamic countries even when covered. Muslim men have shown very clearly they cannot restrain their lusts when they are near non Muslim women, whom BTW they are taught by their clerics
    to disrespect as loose women.
    As Ms Cyrus says thousands of women have been severely injured and murdered for not dressing according to Muslim rules, mostly in fact by their family members, so where is the freedom of choice.
    That so called freedom is a myth which is often given justification by Muslim women themselves.
    Reposted to correct many typos

  5. I think many sekuler people wanted Muslimah to open het body give to satan and giving to free sex. Better Muslim protect they family from sekuler people.

  6. Iftikhar Ahmad,
    I apparently hit the wrong button and posted my comment before I finished so let me try again.
    You say don’t get distracted then drone on to distract. I suppose FGM is also a ‘free choice’. Islamists always trot out the ‘free to wear’ statement, how about free to not wear? Well sure their free to not wear if they want to be beaten by father, brother, husband, and or stoned to death in the public square.
    As far as Roman Catholic nuns, well they don’t strap on bomb vests and blow themselves and as many non-Catholics up as possible.
    A cursory reading of the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, Sira is all that’s needed to understand the danger Islam poses to any free society and anyone saying differently is practicing taqiyya, kitman, and the like.

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