Glazov Gang Standoff: Greenfield vs. Mohajer on “Is Hillary the Legitimate President?”
Shillman Fellow and Huffington Post Writer go toe-to-toe on whether it is Hillary that deserves to be in the White House.
The Absurdity of ‘Unity’ — on The Glazov Gang
Why the idea that we must all be “united” should send a chill down the spine of any freedom-lover.
Top 10 Reasons Huma Abedin Should Terrify You — an Anni Cyrus Video
What happens when the Muslim Brotherhood becomes Chief of Staff.
Hillary and the Muslim Brotherhood — on The Glazov Gang
The frightening ties that bind.
Jamie Glazov Moment: Hillary, Bikinis and Islamic Punishment
The suffering Muslim girls Hillary pretends to have supported, but has betrayed.
Jamie Glazov Moment: Hillary’s Dream of Flooding America With Syrian “Refugees”
What really lurks behind the impulse to bring in people from Sharia environments?
Exactly Why Hillary Belongs in Jail – on The Glazov Gang
Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield unveils the scary reasons why.
Jamie Glazov Moment: Hillary’s Staff and Anti-Catholic Bigotry
Would the media be similarly indifferent if Trump’s staff ridiculed Islam?
Video: Jamie Glazov on “America Trends” Discussing “Sharia to Bloom Under President Clinton?”
The host of The Glazov Gang issues a dire warning if Hillary and Huma take the White House.
Jamie Glazov Moment: The Heart of Leftist Darkness
When admitting the threat of Jihad just costs you too much with your “friends”.