Jihadist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Convicted — on The Glazov Gang
The true reason why an Islamic terrorist was convicted that you won’t hear about.
Obama and the Koran — on The Glazov Gang
Nonie Darwish unveils the curious relationship between the Radical-in-Chief and Islam’s “holy book.”
Sleeper Cells in America — on The Glazov Gang
They’re among us — what are we doing about it?
To Undermine Sharia — on The Glazov Gang
How and why the West needs to spearhead the effort to undercut the Sharia narrative.
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Jihad in Paris — on The Glazov Gang
The Islamic teachings that inspired the Charlie Hebdo massacre — and the denial about them.
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Glazov Gang’s 2014 Episode of The Year: Geert Wilders

A titan and courageous truth-teller crystallized the only way the West will be able to preserve itself.
Sharia Law: Draconian Legal System — on The Glazov Gang
Dr. Edward L. Dalcour unveils the nightmare spawned by Islamic “theocracy.”
Daniel Greenfield on “Obama’s Fantasies about Un-Islamic Jihad” — on The Glazov Gang
Why a Radical-in-Chief calls a beheaded American by a Muslim name.