John Guandolo Moment: The Jihadist-Leftist Matrix Unveiled
A sober look at the totality of the threat we face.
Jamie Glazov Moment: Thank you President Trump for Naming “Radical Islamic Terrorism”
The dire urgency of knowing the enemy and making a threat assessment.
Islamic Jihad on Facebook, Part II — on The Glazov Gang
How jihadists exploit the titanic social media site to weave their terror.
Hillary’s Moronic Gun-Grab to Stop Terror — Anni Cyrus’ “Unknown”.
Will taking Americans’ guns away really stop Jihad and Sharia?
Behind the Terror in NYC, New Jersey and Minnesota — a Daniel Greenfield Moment
Is it time we had enough?
A Death Cult’s Terror Against Israelis – on The Glazov Gang
Dr. Anna Geifman unveils the new phase of the old war – and who is behind it.
Ex-Imam Exposes Mosques of Terror — on The Glazov Gang
Dr. Mark Christian unveils the disturbing link between ISNA mosques and jihad in America.
U.S. Immigration Policy and Exposure to Terror — on The Glazov Gang
How terrorists use immigration fraud to do us harm — and how U.S. leadership does nothing about it.
Jihadist Child-Sacrifice – on The Glazov Gang
Unveiling the mindset of the Islamic terrorists who killed over 130 children in Peshawar.