Hillary and the Mysterious Motives Behind Terror Attacks — Anni Cyrus’ “Unknown”
When willful blindness yields surrender.
Hillary’s Eerie Fake Laugh — on The Glazov Gang
Where pathology, narcissism and inhumanity meet.
Jamie Glazov Moment: The Question No One Dares to Ask Hillary
Does it really not matter if her Chief of Staff will be connected to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Hillary’s Moronic Gun-Grab to Stop Terror — Anni Cyrus’ “Unknown”.
Will taking Americans’ guns away really stop Jihad and Sharia?
Jimmy Carter: Mentor to Hillary on Immigration — a Michael Cutler Moment
A political tool exploited at the expense of America and Americans.
Hillary’s Islamization of America — a Mark Christian Moment
Huma Abedin, the Muslim Brotherhood and other threatening connections.
Honor Killing Your Own Sister for Islam — Anni Cyrus’ “Unknown”
Will Hillary stand up for the memory of Farideh and tweet about her?
Colin Flaherty Moment: Hillary’s Worst Nightmare — Colin Kaepernick and the Knockout Game
The Left’s lie about black victimization unveiled.
Hillary vs. Rape Victims — on The Glazov Gang
They don’t have the right to be believed?
Jamie Glazov Moment: Trump and A Good Joke About Political Murder
Why it’s only okay to joke about killing Republicans.